You missed it last night when I was looking up addresses on my phone using the web
browser function and the business finder utility.  I can even get directions to
these places because the phone knows where it's at.  Mmmmmmm....  As I recall, it
was out-geeking even some of the hardcore geeks present.  Does anybody have a
retail outlet for high-volume sales of pocket protectors?

However, the finder means that I can ditch the scores of phonebooks that my wife
has hidden in various little cubbie-holes.  I mean, she's such a loser.  She used
to carry around a phone book in the car, "just in case I need it".


Timothy Bolz wrote:

> Mike was kicking back in a chair smiling contently reading his e-mail on his
> cell phone.  He then started to cruise the web with this big grin on his face.
> He started reading what it was said.  He was in the Tech Zen moment.

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

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