On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Timothy Bolz wrote:

> trying this.    He had this some great background.    He told me the web site.
> http://www.digitalblasphemy.com /dbhome.shtml
> There are some beautiful backgrounds.  Check out the site.  If you have a site
> with similar pictures post the address.  Thanks Cory

similar stuff to digitalblasphemy, much of it not as good, some of it
outstanding.                      2 1/2 stars

photomanips of extremely messed up looking girls and just plain
hyper-talented artwork of a dark future with some heavy adult comic-book
influence (no pr0n; if you don't know what adult comic-book means, go to a
comic book store). No cheesy landscapes here. Very dark in subject matter
though often literally blindingly bright. The artist is named Misery in
Motion and you'll know why after you visit. This guy has his own style and
has to be seen to be believed.  5 stars

very cool stuff. Friends with misery, these two guys are into
graphic-design-type artwork. "Graphic-design-type artwork?" you
say? Yes. You know, like, lots of lines and angles and basically
architecture from the depths of craziness while looking like 22nd century
magazine advertizing. Many shots annoyingly bright, but it's good stuff so...
                                    5 stars

one of the endeffect guys organized seire which is an underground art
group doing all the latest stuff. And lots of stuff there is, though I
can't be sure since I can't seem to get the archives to open for me in
Nestscape -- I can only view the current month's "release pack". Lots of
potential, but so far they haven't thrilled me.   2 stars

all about modding your dektop. Many things here but we're interested, of
course, in wallpapers. From the home page, scroll way way way down
(inside) until you get to "wallpapers". Not dozens, not hundreds, but
thousands. Many thousands...of which many ones are bad and few are
good...relatively speaking. But only because of sheer volume there are
actually lots of goodies in there. Good luck and may the DSL be with you.
            1 star for average quality, 5 stars for brute mucho-ness

blade runnery photomanips with many works having goth and occult
influences. Some just plain fantasy. Some look like they could
accompany that great 80s RPG game, Traveler. (Yeah! Remember
Traveler?) Creepy stuff. I've had to endure much bad creepy stuff. This is
good creepy stuff. Also, I linked to his (Christopher Shy's) official site
because it tells you all about him and lets you see his other work, but
the good digital stuff is mirrored in larger sizes here:
But, actually, even these larger sizes are way too small for backgrounds
so what I do is use the GIMP to put several on one 1600x1200 (my
screen size cuz I'm 1337) thingy and put different filters on each one.
                5 stars for quality, 2 1/2 stars for size

Kitty Muzzle is making a name for himself, herself or itself (A.I.?) in
the underground art scene. Gets respect from digital artists, which is
strange because Kitty doesn't use the computer but instead uses things
called pennseuls (I hope i spelled that right) to make his straight-up
goth/horror. Favorite instrument is a bic pen (don't laugh, take a look
first). Even smaller than ronin's stuff, you will have to use the GIMP to
make this usable.           5 stars for quality, 1 1/2 stars for size

this is where everybody unix gets their desktop themes. Why am I telling
you this? Because every theme (almost) comes with a background or
backgrounds. The only problem is, most of these backgrounds can be found
at the above-mentioned places -- but perhaps you'll find something
interesting here.      5 stars for it's-good-for-the-OSS-movement


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