I guess it wasnt clear... I was talking about laptops in my comparison... 
desktops and servers are different.... In those case (and even in the 
laptops) I wouldnt buy a dell...


On Saturday 15 November 2003 07:34 pm, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
: On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 12:35:06PM -0500, Linux Rocks! wrote:
: > : On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:25:03PM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
: > : > > When Havoc is done with Gnome 2.6, it will have only one button
: > : > > labelled "Do stuff".
: > : >
: > : > You say that like it's a bad thing.  Why exactly did you buy a Mac,
: > : > again?
: >
: > well... a person should use whatever computer they like best... If I
: > wasnt paying for it, Id probably have a titanium 15" (or 17")
: Yeah, but the Ti 15 is getting a bit dated now and did feel a little
: flimsy.  The Al 15 and 17 are very nice machines, but if you wanted to run
: Linux on them, the Albooks (all three sizes) contain stuff for which no
: open source driver exists.  The first thing you'd notice is the lack of
: support for 802.11g.  There also isn't a traditional PCMCIA slot (because
: you already have everything you'd put into PCMCIA onboard anyway), so you
: would have to try to find a way to physically get an Airport Card into the
: port designed for the smaller Airport Extreme card.
: If you are going to run it as a mac, it's good to leave it like it is.
: > Although the performance difference between the fastest pc, and fastest
: > mac is really neglegable (either will do the same things just about as
: > fast... ) the mac claiming the g5 is the fastest computer on the planet
: > seemd pretty lame... Heres PC mag's benchmarks...
: > http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1274637,00.asp
: Note that "fastest computer on the planet" wasn't in my list.  =)  The
: very day the G5 test results came back and showed the dual G5 to be faster
: than anything the competition had which wasn't classified as a server
: machine, immediately some midrange dual processor servers began to get
: reclassified as "ultra-high-end desktop" machines to rival the G5's speed
: (at higher than G5 costs, I note..)  The November issue of Macworld even
: shows that these ultra-high end desktop PCs are notably faster than the G5
: for Microsoft Office (you're surprised that Office runs better under
: Windows right?) and the same with Adobe Premiere.  (They didn't test
: against Final Cut Pro, and they cited that indeed it is widely accepted
: that Final Cut Pro is a much better program - but there's no equivalent on
: the PC..)
: There were some places that the G5 did not do so well, which surprised the
: reviewers.  Didn't surprise me because the software is pre-G5 and still
: ran well enough.  Recompile it with a G5 target and it'll smoke Windows in
: benchmarks..  ;)
: Of course, we know that there are lies, damned lies, and benchmarks.
: Apple's fastest desktop claim was made based on a test performed in August
: (later tests have not been made because it would no longer be quite
: true..)  The only thing that is true is that you're not likely to notice
: 20ms difference for some of the big tasks, and for the things which
: require several seconds or even minutes (complex rendering and the like),
: a few extra seconds either way won't matter PC or Mac.
: > Looks to me it kind of depends on what  your doing... I also read (but
: > cannot confirm) that apples benchmarking was simular to the benchmarking
: > linux/NT a few years back...
: The testers documented exactly how they tested.  The claims that the
: testing was skewed are:
: 1. Apple used a malloc they don't use in MacOS X normally that trades RAM
:    efficiency for speed.
:    - True, and they shipped the G5 with a "MacOS X 10.2.7" designed only
:      for the G5.  The malloc tested was the malloc shipped.  (This is the
:      reason why I feel like the machine is not as fast as it should be
:      when I really push it - too easily starts swapping..)  Wasting RAM
:      for speed is a common speed optimization - ask any game programmer
:      today how much RAM they could save if they game didn't have to run at
:      60 FPS on their hardware target.
: 2. Hyperthreading was disabled on the fastest Intel box
:    - True again.  Turns out that Hyperthreading was skewing the results
:      AGAINST Intel (ie, slowing the Intel box down), so they turned it
:      off, according to Apple.  Apple offered the Hyperthreading scores but
:      I do not know if they have been independently verified.
: 3. All of the code that mattered was compiled for the 64 bit G5 itself
:    using an optimizing compiler.  The Intel boxes weren't subject to the
:    same optimizing.
:    - The compiler was gcc which _is_ good, but it's not THAT good.  And
:      yeah, the tests were compiled for the G5 using a G5 target.  I do not
:      know what compiler was used in Windows, probably VC++.  gcc comes
:      with every G5 sold, VC++ is a seperate (expensive) add-on.  VC++ is,
:      though, the standard Win32 compiler.  Comparing gcc's generated code
:      (normal on the G5) to VC++'s (normal in Windows) is indeed a fair
:      comparison IMO.  You can get better optimized Win32 compilers, but
:      they're far from standard issue.
: 4. As soon as the benchmarks were published, they were obsolete.  The
:    claims made by Apple based on those benchmarks are a PR move and
:    nothing more.
:    - Well duh.  This differs from any other benchmark how?  ;)
: > I see PC's having a much more robust hardware market, and much lower
: > prices (aprox 1/2 the cost of the comparable mac).
: Really?
: Let's see what Dell has to say.
: Dimension 8300 desktop
: 3GHz Pentium 4 w/ 800MHz FSB (comparable 900MHz FSB not available)
: Windows XP Pro
: 120 GB Serial ATA drive (comparable 160GB SATA not available)
: Floppy drive (Dell recommended, but not included by default)
: 4x DVD+RW (Macs use -RW or +-RW drives, always burn -R(W) though)
: Dell recommended CD/DVD software
: Standard keyboard
: Optical mouse
: Productivity Pack (WordPerfect and MS Money, not removable, "free")
: 20.1" flat panel
: GeForceFX 5200 Ultra (perfect match!)
: SB Audigy2 card (digital sound capability)
: MS Plus! Digital Media Edition (equivalent of part of iLife)
: Dell Picture Studio (not removable)
: RealOne Player (not removable ;) sorry)
: Dell Movie Studio Essentials (another part of iLife)
: 56k Telephony modem
: Gigabit ethernet card
: $2824
: I think I was reasonably fair in my selections.  I chose not to select the
: additionally priced options unless it was to try and match the G5's specs
: (ie, the Audigy2, the various softwares, Gigabit ethernet) though I did
: take a wild guess about the CPU.  I don't know if the 3.0GHz or 3.2GHz is
: more appropriate for comparison the G5 1.8GHz, so I went with the cheaper
: option.  When the exact feature on the G5 was not available, I opted for
: the next peg down which Dell did offer (120GB drive instead of 160..)
: Some things I do not know about and am simply assuming are present on the
: Dell (like USB 2.0).  Other features you just can't get from Dell (PCI-X).
: Matching specs with the G5 more closely (which would mean upgrading both
: systems significantly) would have been a far more even price.
: One caveat:  This price is Dell's only price for home, small business, and
: education.  Apple cuts their prices by a couple hundred for students and
: schools.  The comparable Apple would probably be a few hundred more in a
: retail pricing comparison between Apple and Dell, but we're starting to
: see discounts and bundles on G5s.
: A comparable PC is NOT 1/2 the price.  However, it's not really possible
: to get an expandable mac with the basic featureset you can get from the
: average PC.
:  - Do you need SATA, really?  No?  Cut the price by .. lots
:  - Do you need Firewire and video editing?  About $40 off
:  - Do you need a 20.1" LCD?  (Optional in either case, but Dell's LCD is a
:    lot cheaper than Apple's even if it's not widescreen and it's almost as
:    nice in terms of screen quality - I refuse to go back to CRTs!)
:  - Do you need the iLife equivalents?  (You'd be surprised how easy they
:    are to use and how useful they are once you've seen them, but they
:    aren't free on a PC..)
:  - Cheap analog sound works fine for most people, 24 bit digital isn't
:    really _required_, so save a little money..
:  - Can _any_ version of Windows really be equated with a unix-based OS?
: As standard, the Dell costs slightly less than half of how I configured
: it, but I was matching features.  If you don't have to do that, you can
: get a cheaper PC.  You can get a similarly priced eMac or iMac, but you
: know, those machines just aren't very tinkerable.
: The commodity hardware edge definitely goes to the PC since it'll be
: January before upgrades to the G5 are even likely to be announced.  Those
: upgrades will be bad-ass. but the G5 price point will be maintained most
: likely.  So it really does matter what you want.
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