Already being done by Solar City. You can Island your house when the grid is 

 On Jul 26, 2014, at 4:13
 AM, brucedp5 via EV <>
 > But, what if
 that plugin (EV or plug-in-hybrid) came with a built-in
 > (L1) outlet powered by an
 inverter drawing from the vehicle's pack?
 I'd love to have some
 variation on this theme. Actually, I'll have a dedicated
 30 A circuit for vehicle charging. It'd be great to be
 able to flip a switch and run that in reverse in case of
 power outages.
 My roof is
 already covered in solar panels, but it's a grid-tie
 system that shuts off instantly when the grid does so
 linemen don't get fried. But if I could isolate my house
 from the grid on demand and if the car could provide a
 sufficiently grid-like output to make the PV inverter think
 the grid was back up, I could still run the whole house
 (including air conditioning, which isn't exactly
 optional in the summer in Phoenix) during the day and then
 through the night from the car, possibly with the assist of
 the ICE (and a couple jack stands, as it'd be a
 direct-drive setup). I'd shut down everything
 non-essential, of course, and use the hibachi to cook
 instead of the electric stove / microwave / etc., but I
 generate enough excess that I'd be basically okay off
 the grid...if I could store enough to make it through the
 Is anybody aware of
 anything available today that would do something like
 Bonus points if
 it's available in a charger that I'd otherwise
 consider putting in the car....
 -------------- next part
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