On Nov 7, 2014, at 8:08 PM, Rush Dougherty <r...@ironandwood.org> wrote:

>> Put simply, the government has no business knowing how
>> much I drive where and when.
> So I guess you take the battery out of your cellphone when you're driving...

Getting a bit far afield, are we? The topic of discussion is the government 
explicitly tracking electric (and other) vehicle usage. That's a far cry from 
what top secret espionage programs and the like are or could be capable of 

As of yet, there's still no solid reason to suspect that the NSA or anybody 
else is actively aware of cellphone locations, though, of course, that ability 
exists in the system. At the very least, unless you're a "person of interest," 
it's at least going to take a warrant to track you.

But if things get much worse...I'd likely ditch the cellphone altogether, save 
possibly for a no-plan removed-battery one in the glovebox for 9-1-1. I hardly 
ever make or receive calls out and about as it is. And I'm certainly not buying 
any car with OnStar or Lojack or some other tracking system built into the very 

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