On Nov 8, 2014, at 8:57 AM, tomw via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> A gps based system could report
> only total miles traveled to protect those concerned with others knowing
> where they drive.

Could it? Sure, in theory. Would it? In this day and age? Who're you trying to 

*You* may be fine with the idea, but I don't think anybody else will be.

And it wouldn't take much at all for it to be subject to gross abuse. Why 
bother with automated radar cameras when you can just automatically ticket 
people whenever and wherever based on GPS data? And good luck if you happen to 
get stopped behind somebody doing a drug buy or picking up a prostitute in the 
worng part of town; your GPS data is going to make you a suspect, as well -- 
and you may well never see the light of day again if you're the car a drive-by 
shooter speeds around.

That's all before we get to questions of less-than-honest cops using the data 
for blackmail or stalking or the like. Maybe you're a conservative Republican 
candidate for office who stops once a week at a gay bar? Maybe you're that cute 
cooed who got a ticket from the creeper cop? Maybe you're the plumber who made 
a mess un-clogging the toilet?

We've already seen the beginnings of this with NSA agents doing their own 
supercharged cyberstalking. And now you want to make it trivial for any state 
trooper to do the same?

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