I would agree. Lower priced mass produced commodity AC appliances and lower 
wiring/switch/outlet costs will make up for the inverter inefficiencies. Keep 
in mind the amount of useful energy that you need to get out of a system and 
then choose components that will get you there. Max technical efficiency (kWh 
usefully used vs kWh produced by array, or kWh produced/sq. m) is unlikely to 
match max economic efficiency ($/kWh), rather there will be a range of choices 
with tradeoffs, some large, some small. 

Even if you increase the size of your PV array by 10% to offset the 
inverter...you're only talking two extra 250 watt modules (500 W total) on 5 kW 
system. Parts cost can be under $1000 here ($2/watt). (You could also try 
increasing the array size to offset the losses from using a bit smaller DC 
wiring, if you really didn't want AC involved. There is going to be a financial 
sweet spot between various array sizes and the losses associated with a chosen 
wire size.)

Another consideration: future inspectors and owners will likely appreciate the 
use of standardized equipment and techniques.

The math may be a bit different if the electric loads are minimal (e.g. only 
efficient lights) and/or distances short (small cabin/trailer).

On June 7, 2016 11:10:49 AM CDT, Larry Gales via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>Thanks, I was somewhat aware of the increased use of copper, but not to
>extent that you specify, so it looks like AC is the way to go, even for
>off-grid solar.
>On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 9:06 AM, robert winfield via EV
>> my inverter (Omnion 2200) has 2 legs. +/- 186v DC (~370v) small
>> inverted to 110v AC about ~8 amps with a 20 amp circuit breaker (made
>> around 1995 - 1997 or so)
>>       From: Robert Bruninga via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>>  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>>  Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 10:39 AM
>>  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Off-grid solar house and electric car charging
>> > If you build an off-grid solar house and use it for both your house
>> > and charging your electric car, are there any disadvantages for
>> > DC current (household appliances can all be converted to DC) and
>> > avoiding AC since you are off the grid?  You avoid the cost,
>> > maintenance, and (slight) inefficiency of inverters, but are there
>> > significant disadvantages to this approach?
>> A big question is what voltage.  Home solar typically uses high
>> 300 to 600 VDC so that currents are less and smaller copper wire can
>> used (think #12 standard wire).
>> Remote, Off -grid DC systems typically operate no higher than 48
>> Right there is a 10 to 1 drop in voltage so a 100 to 1 increase in
>> losses.  Now think big battery cables everywhere and a huge
>investment in
>> copper.
>> Some people then drop to 12v to use many common 12 camping
>accessories to
>> live by.  That then further multiplies wire losses by another eight
>to one
>> factor, or almost 800 times more losses for the same wire.
>> So In most cases, it is far, far easier to accept the 5% Inverter
>> and keep your house at the 120 VAC standard so you can use all
>> home wiring techniques and all existing home appliances and all
>> electrical things in the home than to deal with ALL specialized much
>> expensive DC appliances and HUGELY expensive specialized wiring.
>> Bob
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