Lee, I may have incorrectly stated the frequency of the EV1 induction charging. 
 I showed the nameplate data as "Charge Port CP7100, 475VAC Peak, 22A AC Max, 
400 Hz, 6.5 KW Max Output Power, Manf Date July 1996."   I should have showed 
"Charge Port CP7100, 475VAC Peak, 22A AC Max, 6.5 KW Max Output Power.    This 
is the info on the main nameplate.  The info "Manf Date July 1996" and   " 
Delco Electronics Power Control Systems" are on separate nameplates.  A 6" X 6" 
black sticker on the rear of the unit shows "Magne Charger".  The 400Hz is hand 
written at the bottom of the unit.  After thinking about the info, the 400Hz 
does not make sense.  I think, the unit's outputs goes to the battery.  If this 
is true then the output should be DC not AC voltage.  I rechecked the nameplate 
data and it is correct.  At present, I must confess, I do not know the function 
of this unit.   The unit was installed on the vehicle and the charging paddle 
slid into the slot on the unit.  Any thoughts

From: ROBERT <bhensle...@msn.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2016 8:14 PM
To: Lee Hart; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Cheap L2 charging in parking places: Bolt EV's In Production

Lee, I was making the following points in my e-mail concerning the installation 
of a large number of EVSEs in a parking area:

(1) The installation will be very expensive because of the size of the required 
electrical distribution system

(2) Maintenance will be expensive because of the large number of EVSEs and 
equipment failure rates

(3) The system will have a low utilization rate because vehicle will be parked 
for an extended periods

(4) System security is low because of scammers and no local oversight

(5) Not a safe system because of a possible pool of water or vandalism.

(6) The cost of an EVSE is small relative to the cost of the system; therefore, 
a lower cost intelligent outlet will have a minor impact on the total system 

Due to the above points, the installation of a large number of EVSEs in a 
parking area (1) is not an efficient use of equipment, (2) has low system 
security, (3) unsafe system and (4) is not a good use of capital.

My suggestion to solve the problem was for everyone to charge at home with a 
NEMA type outlet or use an induction type system in a parking area.

An induction type system reduces the installation cost because of a reduction 
in the size of the electrical distribution system.  With an induction coupled 
system, the main source can sense the presence of a vehicle or if a vehicle 
requires power; therefore, the main source can be sized to the utilization 
rate.  The main source can alternate between vehicles.  This cannot be done 
with an EVSE system.  The NEC requires that the service required for each EVSE 
be sized at full load.  See Perl Hartman e-mail describing a 100 plug L2 
system.  It required 2000A at 120VAC.  With a 20% utilization rate, the 
induction system would only require 400A at 120VAC.  Maintenance cost would be 
lower because the system consist of a main power source, distribution panel, 
and numerous coils of wire.  The system is safer because it is not effected by 
water and is secure from vandalism.

Other technical points:

An X10 system (PowerLine Transmission) will not work in an industrial or 
commercial environment because of signal attenuation, electrical noise, 
transmission across transformers, and low data transmission rate.  RF is not 
reliable in a structure with high levels of electrical noise or a lot of rebar 
(steel) and concrete.  Cell phones and radios do not work reliably in 
underground or high rise parking garages or some houses.  In my house, I cannot 
use a wireless modem.  My house has to much rebar, concrete, and earth.

I looked at the nameplate on the Magne Charger that I have in my workshop.  It 
showed: Charge Port CP7100, 475VAC Peak, 22A AC Max, 400 Hz, 6.5 KW Max Output 
Power, Manf Date July 1996.  Also, it showed the manufacturer as Delso 
Electronics Power Control Systems.  This is the unit that is installed in the 
car.  I could not find the nameplate data on the pedestal unit with the paddle. 
 If you have any electrical schematics or other info on these units, I would be 
interested.  Thanks Bob Hensley.

From: EV <ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org> on behalf of Lee Hart via EV 
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2016 9:59 AM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Cheap L2 charging in parking places: Bolt EV's In Production

ROBERT via EV wrote:
> An EVSE requires an AC cable and data cable. An intelligent outlet
> would still require the same two cables. In addition, a specialty
> intelligent outlet would cost $100 - $200 (guesstimate).

Not really. An intelligent outlet could do the same, and use RF, or
carrier current signalling to communicate with the EV.

For example, the GM EV1 Magnechargers used RF signals for
authentication. Remember, they had *no* wires between the vehicle and EVSE.

The common X10 system is used to remotely control all sorts of AC loads.
Special outlets have a circuit that can send and receive data over the
existing AC power line wiring, and can switch the AC on or off. These
outlets are mass-produced and sell for only $20 or so each.

> However, the high cost is the installation cost and maintenance cost.

People forget that large areas of the nation have already had a charging
infrastructure for a very long time. It's been there to plug in ICE
block heaters, Christmas lights, run electric lawnmowers, etc.

Outdoor AC outlets have been required by the NEC (National Electric Code
for decades. In the states where I've lived (Michigan, New York, and
Minnesota, just about every home, apartment, and business has these
standard 120vac 15a convenience outlets already installed and freely
available for use.

> High installation and maintenance cost are a problem with developing
> an EV charging infrastructure. The answer is to charge at home with a
> NEMA outlet or install induction charging stations.

That's true, if they insist on something new, proprietary, and
incompatible with existing systems. Unfortunately, these become the
*requirements* when someone wants to create a new monopoly to get rich.

> However, for induction charging to work efficiently, you need higher
> frequency chargers.  Remember the EV1 induction charging paddle. The
> system operated at 400 HZ.

The EV1 Magnecharger worked at a much high frequency (around 50 KHz).
The higher frequency actually *hurt* efficiency, but was necessary to
make the paddle small and light.

We've had 60 Hz induction charging setups for 50%+ years. For example,
Inductran has made them for charging in-plant EVs. Half of a
conventional 60 Hz transformer is in the floor, and the other half in
the vehicle. Drive over it, and turn it on. The two halves of the
transformer magnetically link, to charge safely and efficiently.

We don't really need expensive high-tech solutions for charging. It's
fundamentally no different than plugging in any other appliance, and
people have been doing that for 100 years.

Buy thneeds! It's what everyone needs! Get em' now 'fore they're gone!
Which they'll be, before long! -- "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss
(The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
"The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, 
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The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage. Welcome! We are a group of dedicated electric 
vehicle enthusiasts whose goal is to create an affordable, high performance 
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