On 3 Jan 2017 at 21:43, Marco Gaxiola via EV wrote:

> Collin; I think it is ok to advertise as long it is usefull to people
> on this forum, like me. 

Advertise?  No. Announce? Maybe.

The EVD is non-commercial.  That means no advertising as such.  However, 
discussing your products and/or services in a factual, non-promotional way 
can be OK when the discussion goes in that direction.

Please read the guidelines about this on the EVDL help page (section 3 of 
the Conventions):


Sorry they're so long!  I've tried to cover things fairly thoroughly.

I generally try to stick pretty close to these guidelines, and ask you to do 
the same.  However, I may be more or less flexible than what you see there, 
depending on many factors, including the overall tone of a particular post 
or thread.

If you're at all in doubt as to how you align with the guidelines, please 
contact me off-list to discuss what you want to mention before you post it. 
My private address is here:



David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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EVDL Information: http://www.evdl.org/help/
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Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
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