My church put up two EV CHARGING OUTLET signs over two outdoor outlets in
2010, and that has made our church as a leader in the community for going


Now we have 6 out of an active congregation of about 60 that have bought
EV's!  We have also gone solar, and heatpump!  Most recent person just
bought a Bolt!

And  yet still those two signs out in the parking lot serve as a BEACON to
everyone who comes to our church or visits.  ANd in those 7 years since we
put up the signs, I have charged there twice, and one other person once.
BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT.  The point is that everyone who comes to our
church sees the signs and KNOWS that they can charge if they need to.
Sure, 2 hours on an L1 outlet only gains 8 miles range.  But 95% of our
attenders drive less than that to church!  Duh...

These chargin posts (Actually, the signs) have been so popular that we have
now added two more outlets and another sign right at the end of hte street
and made them public.  We even have the sign lighted at night.  But again,
it is just  apair of 120v outlets. and a single 240v 20 amp outlet on the
same pole.

BUT to be fair, we also bought a $299 L2 charge cord with a matching 20 amp
240v plug.  The sign on the charging post says Charge TWO EV's at L1 or a
single EV at three times the speed using the L2 cord in the office.
Inquire within.

Again, no one but me has used it (exactly twice) but EVERYONE in our church
now believes in EV"s and most are planning on making an EV their next
purchase.  So by all means GET THE SIGN UP.  The detail of the charging
cord is not as important.

Alsop, we have now inspired more than another dozen of churches and others
to put up signs over their outdoor outlets.  It really makes progress!


The advantage of L1 is that it woiuld take more than 5 hours parked in our
mostly vacant lot to steal eveen $1 of electricity.  It was that argument
that got around all the  nervous nellies who were worride about Theft of
power.  Jeeze...

And who is going to abandon their car in our parking lot withon NOTHING
nearby of any public interest just to steal $1 of juice?  What are they
going to do for 5  hours? Of course if they come into the church, that is a
dollar well invested too.

We list our outlets as public.  In the comments we say "Four L1s  and one
L2 for our mmbers or anyone in need"...


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 8:43 PM, Cal Frye via EV <> wrote:

> Hey, folks,
> A church I work with is building a new building, and I'm encouraging
> them to put in a Level-2 charger, likely for two positions. Any
> recommendations on which to install? Even Home Despot offers some two
> dozen choices, and I'm sure some rank better than others. Which are the
> more flexible, which more trouble-prone, etc?
> Cal Frye, Oberlin, OH
> <>
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