Thanks Bruce, and all those who have contributed.  I'll answer a few of Bruce's 
questions.  The reason that I am considering this is multiple.  First, since I 
bought my wife her Prius Prime I have come to love the simplicity of Plugging 
in her car.  I would like to emulate that and since I am probably adding some 
circuits and charging infrastructure in my garage for her, I wouldn't mind 
being able to set my truck up to be as simple as her car, and share the same 
charging infrastructure.  Secondly, my employer is moving to a new location 
which will be on the edge of my current range.  Finally, as Bruce has noted, I 
have plenty of charging options in my area, so being able to tap into that 
would allow my to go more places :)  Of course, I could also just add more 
batteries...  So I am investigating.  I'm also considering doing the same for 
my motorcycle.

Also, I'm not quite as cost conscious as I have been in the past.  Getting a 
few birds out of the nest has helped in that area :)

Bruce remembered my chargers correctly, and yes they are dual voltage input 
although as Bruce has noted I'm only charging at about 1KW so I would not be 
fully using what I am paying for at most charging stations.

I am looking at all options.  I have close ties to Manzanita Micro as well, but 
as you noted their equipment is expensive, plus  their chargers are pretty 

I really liked the look of the solution Jay pointed me to from Thuderstruck, or 
I may just add the J1772 inlet and stick with my current chargers.  This is 
almost certainly what I will do for my motorcycle.

Then again, I may do nothing at all.  My wife's Prius Prime has me thinking 
about an OEM EV in the next couple of years...   Since I live in the Portland 
Metro area, I can get out and see most of them at local dealerships, but there 
are still some that are only available in California.  I'm heading for 
Disneyland next month with my wife and daughter, and I think I'll spend one 
full day test driving EVs and PIHs while I am down there so I can try them all.

From: EV <> on behalf of brucedp5 via EV 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 8:32 PM
Cc: brucedp5
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Adding J1772 Plug to a conversion

Damon didn't give all the watts, where charging, whys, whens I would need to
fully make a decision. So, I hope Damon will correct my assumptions,
guesses, etc.

I'll assume his EValbum page is current
System Voltage  96 Volts (series-parallel li-ion strings)
'(2x) Chinese Lithium bike battery chargers
 ... 4 - 6 amp CCCV (48VDC) chargers ... from ... greentime'

If I remember the past correctly, Damon has made frugal choice$, so I offer
high, medium,and lower cost ideas.

Anyone else also considering a j1772 charging upgrade can kill time poking
around the internet searching for j1772 parts, etc.

IMO, before you do anything you should look at what public charging you have
 I used the filter in the menu to only show j1772 EVSE.
Damon has beau-coup/many j1772 to plug in to. But most of them are Blink
network which at the most, their visitor rate is $0.50/kWh or $3 for a 1hour
6kW charge. There a few sites that are not blink or free.

I also set the filter to only show Tesla Destination hpwc EVSE. there are
only a few. Why? to see if using a Tesla to j1772 adapter would let him
mooch a free charge (Tesla practically gives the hpwc EVSE away, charging is
usually un-metered/no-network= free).

(By comparison to Damon 's WA area, in my 76548 zip TX area, it is a public
EVSE wilderness. There are a few j1772 EVSE around, but there are several
hpwc I would want to be able to use. Anyone wanting to do this see

OK, now on to chargers: I am a BIG-fanboy of Manzanitamicro's pfc chargers.
But they are not-cheap= the expensive solution

Te advantage is you can dial in any charge rate you want, and use the charge
off nearly any power source (huge flexibility).
I've used pfc-20, 30, 40, & 50 chargers. I like their flexibility  so much,
today I would rather save up my checks until I could buy one,
rather than going cheap, see

The next step down in cost (medium price= less flexibility)

This is an isolated charger. And push come to shove, at a RV park that only
offered 120VAC 30Amp outlet it could push 22A at 96VDC.

The following is only one source over many other EV parts biz, I am not
promoting just this biz over any other, use it just as an example of what
you nwill find if you do a search on
 electric conversion charger

The lowest cost solution is to assume his e-bicycle can operate
from 100-240VAC, like


 then he would only need the j1772 parts, but he would be missing out on
pushing the 6kW public EVSE offer.

Which leads me to the last question. Why now does he want that j1772
charging ability when charging at hone has been enough up until now?

Is it that he wants to push his range envelope to say make trips south to
Portland, OR or go north?

Those desires need to be included when making a upgrade decision.
If it were me, my EV charging needs would be to to be able to charge
anywhere, and everywhere. But that is me (had a Blazer with a back seat full
of charger cable adapters, will-travel)

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