On 04/18/2018 12:03 PM, Damon Henry via EV wrote:

Then again, I may do nothing at all.  My wife's Prius Prime has me thinking 
about an OEM EV in the next couple of years...   Since I live in the Portland 
Metro area, I can get out and see most of them at local dealerships, but there 
are still some that are only available in California.  I'm heading for 
Disneyland next month with my wife and daughter, and I think I'll spend one 
full day test driving EVs and PIHs while I am down there so I can try them all.

My wife has a 2015 Leaf, and I'm seriously considering getting a Leaf + light trailer once the current battery pack on my truck degrades. Used Leaf's in good condition can be found quite inexpensively.

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