Hi All,                 I'm and I'm sure many others in need of how 
the DC charging works so I can put it in my new EVs and make direct solar 
charging work.               What does the EV need to tell the DC to get power 
and what does the DC require from the EV?                Can one buy the inlets 
and which inlets are likely to be around in the future?  They seem to change 
every yr or so.  I've lost track as I don't use them yet.               With 
Volt modules I'll be able to charge in just 10-12 minutes if I can crack this.  
             And I'll, others can build solar arrays that charge EVs directly 
from the panels.                Plus is the basis for V2G systems on most any 
DC charging equipped EV by getting excess to the pack.               Any help 
is greatly appreciated.                   Thanks,                        Jerry 

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