On 06/15/2018 09:13 PM, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:
Hi Willie,
We are now a daughter company (still independent in many areas) of the energy 
company Enel.

When I got my kit for the silver enclosure JuiceBox from Kickstarter, I noticed 
that it was difficult to properly tighten the nuts with the special washers 
with gasket, in order to weatherproof the enclosure, so I suspect that the 
majority of self-built kits would not be properly weather proofed. And even if 
the enclosure is properly weather-proofed, there are still several ways that 
moisture can get in there, even through condensation out of the air – I have 
seen water-logged enclosures that had the most sophisticated weather proofing, 
but simply the fact that moist air could get in there and collecting 
condensation could not get out, meant that over time the circuit inside failed. 
This happens all over the telecom industry where you find outdoor installed 
enclosures for electronics – I have seen many good and bad cases in the many 
years I worked for a wireless company. It is a tricky field.

All my JBs were bought assembled. I wonder how many, if any, JBs out there have survived in un-protected locations?

Once, I removed cables to facilitate shipping back for repair and did notice the tight and difficult clearances and later decided to ship other repair jobs with cables.

I did get the impression that the JBs were intended to be sealed and not allow entrance (or exit) of water.

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best – I had great luck with an 
enclosure that had almost no water proofing, but was essentially just a tube 
closed at the top (cast in one piece of plastic) with the bottom wide open. The 
actual board was mounted on a plastic carrier to slide into the tube and had a 
bottom cover that was inserted into and went up 2 inches inside the tube. It 
had several holes for power and Ethernet and the locking tabs, so it would 
always drain out if ever water collected inside. It never did. I believe the 
biggest issue was bugs could collect inside and affect the operation of the 
(also integrated) antenna, but other than that it just had some spray-on 
conformal coating and that was it. Never had so few issues related to water 
intrusion. So, all my later designed enclosures actually had two drain holes in 
opposite corners.

The “JuicePlug” J1772 WiFi adaptor apparently had serious setbacks. I think it 
did not receive the attention it deserved, but it is not dead.

Thanks for the info. I have not heard from EMW for a long while and do not remember what they last said.

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