Thanks, Collin.
That affirms one part of the "mystery": poor range in winter.
The other half - missing 3.5 kWh - still persists.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Collin Kidder" <>
To:; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 05-Dec-18 9:13:32 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] poor 2011 Leaf performance

I have two leafs here - 2012 and 2013. The 2012 is lucky to get 40
miles of range in the winter. In the summer it's closer to 50 miles.
The 2013 can drive somewhere in the range of about 40-45 miles in
Winter and 60-70 miles in Summer. I wouldn't consider any of that to
be great but that's how it is. As far as I've heard, the batteries
they used in 2011 and 2012 were pretty bad and degrade very badly over
time. By 2013 the batteries got better then more recently they got
better again.

I think there is an issue where the cells do very poorly in Winter and
you don't get nearly the range you would calculate you should be able
to get. Be very careful how far you drive in Winter with these things.
I basically drive back and forth to work and charge when I get to work
(there's a J1772 6kw charger here). I don't usually have to charge at
home, even in Winter, even if I drive around a bit between home and
work. But, I live 9 miles away from work so that's only 18 required
miles to get back and forth. Still, driving 9 miles from work to home
in Winter will easily take 20% charge, sometimes more. This agrees
with my above guess. 9*5 would be 45 miles range at best.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 11:27 AM Peri Hartman via EV <> wrote:


So, just to make sure I understand, you have 8 capacity bars, which
you're assuming is
100% - 15% - 3 * 6.25% = 66% of 24 kWh, or about 16 kWh, correct?

In my case, with between 8 and 9 capacity bars, that would be
100% - 15% - 2.5 * 6.25% = 69%,
or 24 kwh * 69% = 16.5 kWh.

My estimate for the range remaining doesn't change - I used the table in
the link below and did not assume them to be linear. So the rest of my
calculations are unchanged.

Still results in 3.5 kWh being "lost" somewhere.

If someone local (Seattle) has a gid meter and is willing to lend it, I
might be able to get some more accurate extrapolations. At least I'd
know the true capacity and the true amount of energy used, right?


------ Original Message ------
From: "Cor van de Water via EV" <>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Cc: "Cor van de Water" <>
Sent: 04-Dec-18 6:48:24 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] poor 2011 Leaf performance

>Capacity bars are not linear.
>The 12 bar display is actually anything from 85% to 100% capacity.
>Below that, every bar stands for 6.25% if I am not mistaken (quoting
>from memory)
>So 7 bar capacity can be as low as 100 – 15 – 4 x 6.25% = 60% so less
>than 15kWh.
>Also, there is a reason it is called the GOM (Guess-O-Meter).
>My Leaf has 8 capacity bars. I can drive home and go from 12 quickly to
>10 or 9 and then arrive home with only 6 or 7 bars left.
>Then drive to work starting with that half charge and arrive at work
>with still 3 bars left….
>I have noticed that range bars are not linear, so you can’t say X bars
>is so many kWh left.
>GIDs are a better measurement, so use LeafSpy and you can much better
>judge what your Leaf is doing.
>Hope this helps,
>Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>From: Peri Hartman via EV
>Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 6:13 PM
>To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
>Cc: Peri Hartman
>Subject: [EVDL] poor 2011 Leaf performance
>Anyone want to take a stab at this mystery - poor performance of my
>Leaf ?
>Temp about 45F
>Heat on: drawing average of about 1 kW
>"other systems" drawing about .25 kW
>Drove 14 miles, went from 12 range bars to 5 bars (full charge level is
>9 capacity bars)
>Average 3.2 miles / kWh
>Duration about 1 hr.
>Driving pretty carefully - usually only 2 "balls" on the usage meter.
>For electrical systems, I estimate I used about 1.25 kWh.
>For traction, 14 / 3.2 = about 4.5 kWh
>Total: 5.75 kWh.
>According to
>5 bars equates to about 45% charge remaining.
>Assuming that the capacity bars are linear and I'm between 8 and 9, the
>battery should have somewhere near 17 kWh (24 originally).
>45% of that is about 7.5 kWh remaining charge.
>Add in what I've used, 5.75, makes 13.25 kW - but should be around 17.
>Plus extrapolating the mileage: 14 / 45% = 31 miles estimated total
>What happened to the other 4 kWh?
>And, am I the only one who get 31 miles per charge? This Leaf has had
>miserable winter range since the beginning. Still don't know why.
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