I like the last idea - Teslas to senators - but, I believe, it violates the gifts ethics rules. Oh, well. It would be effective.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Willie via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Cc: "Willie" <wmckem...@gmail.com>
Sent: 14-Dec-18 12:39:25 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Toyota and the hydrogen wish.

On 12/14/18 12:29 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV wrote:
performance. If you gave every driver in the country an electric car for a month and explained the cost difference...we'd all be driving electric.

Completely agree. But, cost prohibitive. Perhaps relatively few cars sequenced through the population.

In another discussion forum, I've proposed that the 25 district highway engineers in Texas be given or given access to Teslas. Those 25 people independently control much of the nitty gritty of highway design and maintenance in different geographical areas. That, in an educational effort to drive home the need for intelligent and uniform lane markings which would make the AutoPilot job easier. I fully recognize the risk of bribery charges.

For general EV promotion, Teslas given to all US Senators and Representatives would go a long way. With Tesla's current size, the cost of a thousand or so cars would be trivial. And probably cheaper than their current lobby cost.

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