On 8/20/19 4:03 PM, Willie via EV wrote:

> I'm enamored of the Enphase grid ties; I have a fair amount of
> experience with them.  I've seen a lot of what I refer to as "cheap
> chinese" inverters work poorly, run hot, fail.  The Enphases are near
> bullet proof.

You'll definitely need to check the car-> DC2DC converter ->
Microinveter combination to make sure it works with your powerwall and
ATS when the grid is down.

My advice would be to have a separate DC2DC converter for each
microinveter, rated above the microinverter's peak power. Hopefully when
the microinverter is working at max power the MPPT algorihtm won't take
offense at being fed from a power supply instead of a solar panel.

Perhaps something like this 12->24v 480 watt inverter:

(it's not isolated...but as your micro inverters will all be in
parallel, that should hopefully not mater??? I'm not sure if
microinverters take advantage of the fact that individual solar panels
are isolated or not....)


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