I'm hesitant to say anything in this thread because many years ago the EVDL 
voted to downplay hydrogen, despite the fact that it's mentioned in our 
original charter.   

Also, a lot of what I say won't register for the True Believers.  They'll 
dismiss it out of hand.  Nobody can shake their convictions.  There's not 
much  I can do about that.  

But I think something needs to be said.  BEVs have made huge strides in the 
last 20 years, while progress for FCEVs has been slower.  

Even when FCEVs run on hydrogen-stored electrictiy from renewable sources, 
BEVs use the same electricity more efficiently. That's easily documented.  
More steps from electricity source to motor, more losses.  Simple physics.

And then there's infrastructure.  BEVs have a commanding and probably 
unassailable lead.  Tesla has 1,636 supercharger stations in North America, 
and that doesn't even count the non-Tesla EVSEs.  

By comparison, fueling infrastructure for FCEVs is pitiful: just 38 
stations, all in California.  Good luck driving your FCEV coast to coast.

Yep, FCEVs can be fueled faster, but not by much any more.  DC charging is 
now reaching 350kW.  That can fill a big-battery Tesla S to 80% in less than 
14 minutes.  

Sure, we could make FCEVs more practical by throwing hundreds of billions of 
dollars at renewable energy H2 production and refueling infrastructure.  

The question is, why should we do that when BEVs are viable and affordable 
NOW, are already contributing to cleaner air and lower carbon emissions, and 
are simpler and more efficient than FCEVs?   

Seriously, what do FCEVs really offer that's better than what BEVs are 
already giving us?  What exactly justifies taking resources away from BEVs 
and giving them to FCEVs?  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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