Well, that is not the way I read it. I took it as a way to rate a vehicle 
before you purchase it.
Not very useful IMO for that because there are so many other factors that one 
needs to know in order for the vehicle to meet you needs.It is a start but 
seems to me one would still need to know how many charge opportunities there 
are between the start and end. In addition as already pointed out the rate of 
charge depends on the current SOC in the battery. For instance, my Model S will 
charge slowly if my SOC is too low until the voltage comes up and then it will 
ramp down as it fills. All vehicles do this and without knowledge of the exact 
algorithm the are using this simplification of Drivability may not be useful at 

The concept is good but the current suggestion will give you inaccurate 
information that may or may not help you.

    On Monday, September 28, 2020, 12:11:36 PM CDT, Peri Hartman via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:  
 Paul, this is all about the few times you take a road trip and need fast 
charging. So, let me ask you this question: for those few times, would 
this kind of rating be useful to you ?

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------ Original Message ------
From: "paul dove via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Cc: "paul dove" <dov...@bellsouth.net>; "Mark Laity-Snyder" 
Sent: 28-Sep-20 9:01:38 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Drivability

>  Well said, I maid the same observation but was too lazy to craft a response 
>glad someone said it.
>This can be useful but it's only for those that drive for a living or take a 
>lot of trips and need highway fast charging.II never fast charge my cars 
>outside of a road trip (once or twice a year) because I have no need.
>I have an i-MiEV that I never fast charge because it is only used around town. 
>Love the car and perfect for my use.I have a Model S and a 3 that I have 
>driven on trips but it's not really a useful metric now since the car already 
>tells me where to stop and how long to chage. Maybe if I owned an I-Pace this 
>would be useful or was looking to purchase a non-Telsa for frequent road trips.
>    On Monday, September 28, 2020, 10:24:55 AM CDT, Robert Bruninga via EV 
><ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>  I think it is a sad distortion catering to FAST charging as the only
>metric of EV value.
>Maryland's EV infrastructure study showed that FAST charging only
>represents 0.3% of EV charging infrastructure leaving the other 99.7% of
>This drivability metric focuses entirely on how long you have to stand at
>the FAST CHARGING port to get how many miles of range.  When in fact. 99.7%
>of all charging mileage comes from when the vehicle is parked and not in
>use.  THis is the #####111111 value of an EV, to charge during the 21 hours
>the car is parked and not in use so that it is full everytime you get in it.
>The definition fof driveability ignores this 99.7% of EV experience and
>focuses only on the 0.3% to make a damaging assessment of EV practicality
>which is entirely artificial.
>On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 4:54 PM Mark Laity-Snyder via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>>  I saw this from the EAA and thought I should share.  I imagine many of
>>  you have already seen it and I hope it wasn't already shared and I missed
>>  it.
>>  I like the Drivability factor.  Seems like something every EV should have
>>  like MPG for gas cars.
>>  Comparing EVs? Be aware of a factor that’s missing — Electric Auto
>>  Association
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>>  Comparing EVs? Be aware of a factor that’s missing — Electric Auto Asso...
>>  The “drivability factor” in EV performance is related to how long it takes
>>  to charge the car in order to get bac...
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