This article claims that producing hydrogen will remain too expensive and therefore people will continue to choose to use natural gas if there isn't an electric alternative. It also mentions the poor efficiency of producing it.

Using hydrogen fuel risks locking in reliance on fossil fuels, researchers warn

Fuels produced from hydrogen can be used as straight replacements for oil and gas and can be low-carbon, if renewable electricity is used to produce these “e-fuels”. However, the research found that using the electricity directly to power cars and warm houses was far more efficient.
The analysis estimated that hydrogen-based fuels would be very expensive and scarce in the coming decade. Therefore, equipment such as “hydrogen-ready” boilers could end up reliant on fossil gas and continue to produce the carbon emissions driving global heating.
The research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, calculated that producing and burning hydrogen-based fuels in home gas boilers required six to 14 times more electricity than heat pumps providing the same warmth. This is because energy is wasted in creating the hydrogen, then the e-fuel, then in burning it. For cars, using e-fuels requires five times more electricity than is needed than for battery-powered cars.
Daryl Wilson, the executive director of the global, industry-backed Hydrogen Council, said hydrogen could become the most competitive low-carbon solution for some sectors by 2030, such as long-haul trucking and steel.



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