Mark Laity-Snyder via EV wrote:
  John,  YOU ROCK dude!
That is hardcore. I guess it makes sense though if you are living in a city.  I 
have been out in the sticks for too long and have gotten used to having to 
I also totally agree with our Fearful leader/servant Dave when he says - EVs 
can be zero energy if you have enough PV.  The naysayers aren't interested in 
PV because that would take away from the Gasaholic lifestyle.

I spent 10 years living in Portland OR without a car. Commuted to work as an 
auto tech by bicycle or mass transit. Really the only sane way if one is 
concerned about the environment. It was also way less expensive.

Good for you both! There is hope. We have the power to change the future. We can make the world a better place for our children and future generations.

But it won't happen if we sit on our butts, and simply repeat the past, do what everyone else does, and expect "someone else" to solve all our problems for us.

I've been building and driving EVs since the 1970's. For most of that time, that meant driving cars with Ford model A class performance while everyone else drove cars more luxurious than their homes. The nay-sayers no doubt think I wasted my time and money. But I've learned so much, and helped many others see what is possible. And that makes me happy.

Those of you reading this list are also part of the solution. Yes, it costs us in money, comfort, and ego to invest in the future rather than instant gratification. But just as saving now pays big dividends when we retire, the work we do now will have a huge payback in the future of the world.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,

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