Oh, I almost forgot. In past years we've had an item for sale... Perl Polos
in 2007 and 2008, Perl on a Stick in 2009. The sale items help bring in a
little cash for TPF, which is nice. However, a lot of conference attendees
think that they are free swag, so you have to keep a close eye on any
for-sale items that you have laid out on the table.... I had a
Perl-on-a-stick walk off last year :)

There is a TPF cash box somewhere. I think that Jim Brandt has access too
it. You'll want that if you are selling something so that you can make

Also, if there are plans to do a Perl auction at OSCON this year, whoever
organizes the booth typically lines up most of the items. The publishers are
good about giving books. Other items are a little more difficult to come by.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Joshua <joshua.mcad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Karen Pauley <ka...@martian.org> wrote:
>> Hi Gabor,
>> On 18 March 2010 23:43, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I think have read somewhere, maybe on one of these lists that the TPF
>> > used to have a booth on OSCON.
>> As far as I am aware TPF always has a booth at OSCON.  I know that
>> it's had one the last couple of years.
> Last year I organized the booth... for some definition of the word
> organize.
> First thing, make sure that someone, I'm guessing that is Dan M., reserves
> a booth with O'Reilly. Dan, I'll dig up the name of the person that I talked
> with last year and send it to you.
> For last years booth I created a couple of handouts: one listing Perl
> conferences that were happening in the next year and another listing some
> Perl resources. Armed with those, some hard-candy, and some YAPC t-shirts to
> hang up for decorations, I stood around the booth and talked to people about
> Perl for the duration of the conference.
> Overall, it was a decent booth I think... just obviously done on the cheap.
> Also, there is a Perl banner that has been present at past OSCONs. It
> wasn't around this year and nobody knew where it was. Luckily, O'Reilly had
> a Perl banner from one of the first Perl conferences and let me use it.
> We auctioned that banner off after the conference though, so we are back to
> not having a banner/sign to hang.
>> > Can someone point us at information regarding this?
>> It's organised internally so I don't know if there is any information
>> that I can point to.
> I can probably dig up the handouts from last year. I think that I saved
> them. They weren't amazingly fancy... a few pictures, a little promo text,
> and lists of resources.
>> > Are there plans to have a TPF/Perl booth on OSCON this year?
>> I haven't seen any discussions about this yet but I imagine we will
>> start to plan it before YAPC::NA.
> Sounds like there are :) And already more planning has gone into it then
> last year!

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