
Monique and I won't be arriving in San Diego until verly late Tuesday
night, or very early Wednesday Morning, so I can't help with the Booth
set-up on Tuesday. However, I can arrive early at the fairgrounds on
Wednesday morning if there is some things that need to be wrapped up.

My cell # is: (209) 992-1000. I'm pretty sure I'll have coverage in San Diego.

Jason, did you say that you would also be at the "Motel on the
Beach?". Perhaps we can carpool so my wife can have the car. I'll chip
in some gas money.


On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 07:07:25 +1000, Jean Hollis Weber
> Landon wrote:
> >My wife and I will be staying at the Del mar Motel on the Beach. I
> >think its about 5 minutes away from the fairgrounds.
> >
> >Do we need to set up the OpenOffice booth Tuesday night? Or will we be
> >doing that on Wednesday?
> I'll be arriving at the motel around 1 or 2 PM (my plane is due in at the
> airport around noon). I expect to meet Daniel at the airport, as his plane
> also arrives around noon.
> As booth coordinator, I plan to go over to the Fairgrounds on Tuesday
> afternoon to find out where our booth is and do anything that might be
> useful at that point -- actually as much as possible, in an attempt to
> minimise last-minute chaos on Wednesday morning. We can have access from
> 12:00 - 6:00 pm. If it's convenient for the rest of you, do join me.
> On Wednesday I also want to get from the Linspire office all of the boxes
> of books (and possibly other stuff) that are being sent there for us from
> various places. I hope someone in our group will have a car!
> How many of us have cell phones (that work in that area)? Very useful for
> coordination! My number is 360-480-0722. It won't work until 4 February
> when I arrive in the USA, but after that you can reach me. If you prefer to
> share phone numbers offlist, that's cool.
> Jean

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