On 2016-04-27 07:57, Per Jessen wrote:
> Carlos E. R. wrote:

>> Somebody knows how can we silence the error?
> Sounds like you could look through all the systemd units and grep for
> udev. Something depends on udev.service, which probably should depend
> on udevd.service.  I can't find it though. 

Me neither. I greped /etc/systemd and /lib/systemd, and nothing contains
the string "udev". Nor in /run/systemd

> Oh, there might even be a systemctl incantation that'll tell you right
> away. 
> Funny, I feel certain I have also seen that message, but I can't find it
> now. Where do you see it Carlos?

In syslog. /var/log/warn.

Cheers / Saludos,

                Carlos E. R.
                (from 13.1 x86_64 "Bottle" at Telcontar)

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