Hal wrote:

> One of the concepts we have explored is that all universes and hence
> all minds exist, but that some observer-moments have greater "measure"
> than others.  This may help to explain why we observe the kind of universe
> that we do, because we must be observer-moments that have relatively
> large measure.
> I wonder if it would be possible for the measure of an individual
> to vary over the course of his lifetime.  We do expect the measure
> to fall as he ages, as he comes to occupy fewer and fewer universes.
> However there may be other ways that his measure could change.
> For example, suppose he took a drug which made his mental processes
> become confused.  He was no longer sure of basic facts about himself
> and the universe.  This mental state would no longer be bound to one
> specific universe.  Instead, a large collection of distinct universes
> could be consistent with this mental state.  These observer-moments
> might therefore have larger measure, since they would correspond to a
> larger part of the multiverse.
> In general, one might expect those minds with less observational power
> and less specific knowledge and understanding of the universe to have
> larger measure.
> Does this have any implications for the use of the all-universe hypothesis
> to explain and predict our observations?

Yes it does. In particular it explains why we are of finite age, contrary to
what one would naively expect from qti. As I have written some time ago qti
needs to be modified precisely because of the effect you describe above.

The analogy with the universal prior favoring simpler universes is


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