Bruno wrote

> Le 23-juin-05, ? 05:38, Lee Corbin a ?crit :
> > you *can* be in two places at the same time.
> From a third person pov: OK.
> From a first person pov: how?

Right.  "From a first person... you cannot be."  This further
illustrates the limitations of the first person account, its
subjectivity, its errors, and its total poverty of thought.

The objective view, which brings us much more into alignment
with what is actually the case, is, as always, the third-person
point of view.

A good historical analogy is this: to really understand the
planets, moons, and sun, it was necessary to totally abandon
the Earth-centric view, and try to see the situation from the
bird's eye view. By remaining fixated with appearances, and
how it looks *from here*, we could never have advanced to the

It is the same here; if you are interested in knowing what the
case is, and not merely what the appearances are, then you
have to understand that you are a physical process, and it
may so happen that you execute in different places, and in
different times, and that overlaps are possible.

Eugen comments

> You can be in two places at the same time, but you can't
> enjoy two different scenarios, or think individual thoughts.

I disagree.  Again, you slide back and forth between instantiations
and programs, which, as you know, are not the same thing. What you
have written is true of an instance. Were we to be completely
consistent using your terminology, then we would have to say
that you could not think A and then think B, because each instance
of you (in time, this time) cannot think more than one thing.

A program can run in two different places at the same time, and
the program (treated as the pattern) is perfectly capable of
receiving input X in one location at the same time that it 
receives input Y in another. It would then be correct to say
that the program was enjoying two different scenarios at the
same time.


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