Georges Quénot wrote:
> peterdjones wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> > (To put it another way: the point is to explain
> > experience. Physicalism explains non-experience
> > of HP universes by saying they don't exist. MM appeals
> > to ad-hoc hypotheses about non-interaction. All explanations
> > have to end somewhere. The question is how many
> > unexplained assumptions there are).
> I would like to understand your view. How do *you* solve
> the "HP universe" problem? In your view of things, amongst
> all the mathematical objects to which a universe could be
> isomorphic to, *what* does make only one (or a few) "exist"
> or "be real" or "be physical" or "be instanciated" and all
> others not?

In your view, what means that only mathematical objects exist ?

All explanations stop somewhere. The question is whether they
succeed in explaining experience.

> Also, you reject "mathematical monism" as not making sense
> for you but what about the ohter conjectures I mentionned?
> Do you find that "physical monism" ("mind emerges from
> matter activity"), "mathematical realism" ("mathematical
> objects exist by themselves") and "Tegmark's hypothesis"
> ("our universe is isomorphic to a mathematical object",
> though Tegmark might no be the first to propose the idea)
> make sense? Have some chance of being true?

> Do you find that "physical monism" ("mind emerges from
matter activity"),

All the evidence points to this.

> "mathematical realism" ("mathematical objects exist by themselves")

Not supported by empirical evidence; not needed to explain
the epistemic objectivity of mathematics.

>and "Tegmark's hypothesis"
> ("our universe is isomorphic to a mathematical object",

Must be at least partially true, or physics would not work,

> Georges.

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