Interesting question. I am interested in your own answer. I let Stathis 
answer (to see if he will give the comp one).
Note that the comp answer here is not needed in the UDA argument where 
overlapping reconstitution (like in duplications) are never followed by 
somethings which looks (at least) like a murder.


Le 02-juil.-06, à 07:52, Lee Corbin a écrit :

> Stathis wrote
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:53 AM
>> which is why in symmetrical duplication experiments I anticipate
>> that I will become one of the duplicates with equal probability.
> What do you think of your survival chances if you happen to know
> that after you fall asleep tonight, you will be disintegrated,
> but the information will be used to create two exact duplicates,
> and then one of the duplicates is vaporized and the other
> returned to your bed completely unaware?
> Zero?  (I.e., you don't survive the "teleportation" aspect at all.)
> One-half?  (I.e., your soul goes into one at random, and if that's
>             the one that dies, then your number is up.)
> One?   (I.e., Stathis will wake up in bed for sure tomorrow, and
>         resume his life just as he has done everyday (since our
>          fiendish experiments began when he was five years old))
> Lee

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