Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> Brent Meeker writes:
>>>What I meant was, if a computer program can be associated with 
>>>consciousness, then a rigid and deterministic computer program can also 
>>>be associated with consciousness - leaving aside the question of how 
>>>exactly the association occurs. For example, suppose I have a conversation 
>>>with a putatively conscious computer program as part of a Turing test, and 
>>>the program passes, convincing me and everyone else that it has been 
>>>conscious during the test. Then, I start up the program again with no memory 
>>>saved from the first run, but this time I play it a recording of my voice 
>>>the first test. The program will go through exactly the same resposes as 
>>>during the first run, but this time to an external observer who saw the 
>>>run the program's responses will be no more surprising that my questions 
>>>on the recording of my voice. The program itself won't know what's coming 
>>>and it might even think it is being clever by throwing is some 
>>>answers to prove how free and human-like it really is. I don't think there 
>>>is any 
>>>basis for saying it is conscious during the first run but not during the 
>>>second. I 
>>>also don't think it helps to say that its responses *would* have been 
>>>even on the second run had its input been different, because that is true of 
>>>any record player or automaton.
>>I think it does help; or at least it makes a difference.  I think you 
>>move the boundary between the thing supposed to be conscious (I'd prefer 
>>"intelligent", because I think intelligence requires counterfactuals, but I'm 
>>sure about consciousness) and its environment in drawing that conclusion.  
>>question is whether the *recording* is conscious.  It has no input.  But then 
>>you say 
>>it has counterfactuals because the output of a *record player* would be 
>>with a different input.  One might well say that a record player has 
>>intelligence - 
>>of a very low level.   But a record does not.
> Perhaps there is a difference between intelligence and consciousness. 
> Intelligence 
> must be defined operationally, as you have suggested, which involves the 
> intelligent 
> agent interacting with the environment. A computer hardwired with "input" is 
> not a 
> very useful device from the point of view of an observer, displaying no more 
> intelligence 
> than a film of the screen would. However, useless though it might be, I don't 
> see why 
> the computer should not be conscious with the hardwired input if it is 
> conscious with the 
> same input on a particular run from a variable environment. If the experiment 
> were set 
> up properly, it would be impossible for the computer to know where the input 
> was 
> coming from. Another way to look at it would be to say that intelligence is 
> relative to 
> an environment but consciousness is absolute. This is in keeping with the 
> fact that 
> intelligent behaviour is third person observable but consciousness is not.
> Stathis Papaioannou

Good point. I think I agree.  My functional view of consciousness is that it's 
filter that puts together a story about what's important to remember.  It's 
for learning and hence for intelligence of higher order - but it's a subsystem 
intelligence in general.

Brent Meeker

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