Brent Meeker writes:

> You mean like this:

That reference has an interesting take on prayer:

"In hearing our prayer God does not change His will or action in our regard, 
but simply puts into effect what He had eternally decreed in view of our prayer.

In other words, prayer doesn't make a difference because will do what 
he was going to do anyway. Moreover: 

"Indeed, so numerous and so helpful are these effects of prayer that they 
compensate us, even when the special object of our prayer is not granted. Often 
they are of far greater benefit than what we ask for. Nothing that we might 
obtain in answer to our prayer could exceed in value the familiar converse with 
God in which prayer consists.

The author seems to be implicitly aware of the empirical challenge presented 
by all the unanswered prayers. By this process, theism is watered down until 
it looks much like deism, the position of most modern theologians with a broad
philosophical education, which excludes the fundamentalists who believe in the 
literal truth of their religious books. 

Stathis Papaioannou
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