On Mar 4, 12:09 pm, "Danny Mayes " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why some intelligent beings in some other part of the
> multiverse may want to simulate or emulate our part of the multiverse is
> interesting as well, but is entirely unrelated to the logic of whether the
> entire entity is at least in part a simulation as set forth above.
> Danny Mayes

I think such simulation will be the ultimate goal of technology for
any intelligent and curious species.  Simulation is the ultimate form
of exploration as it allows connections to be made between otherwise
unreachable universes.  If every possible universe exists and each is
non-interacting, the only way to "explore" the other possibilities for
existance would be simulation.  Any universes where a Turing machine
can be built can discover all Turing emulable universes.  New
universes are not being created when a simulation is conducted, rather
a connection is made to a possible existance which has always been

Douglas Jones wrote a very interesting hypothetical conversation
between a human and a highly advanced alien who lives in "cyberspace"
where not only can any imaginable environment or universebe be
simulated, but all beings like him had thier minds uploaded and are
also simulated.  It is available at 
and is well worth the read.  Mind uploading and simulation I think
would be desirable to any intelligent and sufficently advanced race.
It offers unlimited freedom, immortality (or at least greatly extended
existance), and the ability to participate in fully immersive "game
worlds" which are subjectively indistingushable from any other

I believe there may even be a statistical argument for our existance
in such a "game world" now.  Consider that in human history, about 60
billion humans have ever lived.  If humanity reaches a technological
singularity in the near future, and the majority of the human race
uploaded their minds into computers, it would only take each person on
average playing 10 lifetimes (600-700 years) worth of these immersive
games before the bulk of human experience has been simulated as
opposed to physical.  Considering such a civilization could last many
billions of years if not longer, the simulated human experiences would
greatly outweigh the physics-based ones.


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