On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:07 AM, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A fitting computer simulation would include ALL aspects involved - call it
> mind AND body, 'physically' observable 'activity' and 'consciousness as
> cause' -- but alas, no such thing so far. Our embryonic machine with its
> binary algorithms, driven by a switched on (electrically induced) primitive
> mechanism can do just that much, within the known segments designed 'in'.
> What we may call 'qualia' is waiting for some analogue comp, working
> simultaneously on all aspects of the phenomena involved (IMO not practical,
> since there cannot be a limit drawn in the interrelated totality, beyond
> which relations may beĀ irrelevant).

So you're saying that it's not possible, even in principle, to
simulate a human brain on a digital computer?  But that it would be
possible on a massively parallel analog computer?  What "extra
something" do you think an analog computer provides that isn't
available from a digital computer?  Why would it be necessary to run
all of the calculations in parallel?

> 'consciousness as cause'

You are saying that consciousness has a causal role, that is
additional to the causal structure found in non-conscious physical
systems?  What leads you to this conclusion?

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