benjayk wrote:
> Rex Allen wrote:
>>> Where could the explanation begin?
>> I'd say there is no explanation.  It just is what it is.  As Brent
>>'s descriptions all the way down.
> I wouldn't neccesarily disagree, though only if you mean verbal or formal
> explanation. In a sense our life and our experiences are explanations of
> something, don't you think so?
> It is true though, that our lifes (all the content of conciousness and the
> way it evolves) itself then can have no complete explanation. So what life
> "wants" to explain then?
> I think it seeks to explain that it *needs* no explanation beyond itself,
> because it is good and nobody *absolutely* needs an explanation for what is
> good. If it is good enough, you will except it without explanation - because
> this is the ultimate explanation.
> Who could ever disagree with "The world is perfect, it is just here to
> experience ever increasing joy and learn something exciting about
> ourselves?" when it really comes down to it? So how could it be a wrong
> explanation for anyone?
> I see no way.

Well if you were dying of AIDS, your husband had his hands hacked off by 
militias, and your child was starving to death you might see  a way.

> Though I certainly see it as "too good to be true" sometimes, but maybe it's
> just part of the game? It's the subgame "what is good is likely too be true,
> too - there is nothing akward about this even intellectually!".
> Rex Allen wrote:
>>> have you some doubt about the validity of the UDA? Let me know, to see
>>> what needs to be still clarified.
>> My only doubt about UDA is that it seems to make the same assumption
>> as physicalism...that consciousness can't be fundamental.  That
>> something else must underlie it, and "cause" it.
>> But if numbers can "just exist", and matter can "just exist", then why
>> can't conscious experiences "just exist"?
> I agree here. But I would add that conciousness can conceivably make
> independent sense for me, while numbers or matter can't.
> For me numbers don't make independent sense of the appearance (!) of matter,
> too. Since I cannot conceive of any meaning of the number 2 without
> reffering to some "real" (in the sense of every day usage) object.  
But can you conceive of a meaning for 10930702499?

> So I find it unconvincing that conciousness "arises" out of numbers, since
> it is inconceivable for me what numbers mean independent of me or even the
> world I perceive.
> I think everything becomes much clearer if we postulate "arithmetical truth"
> is simply "the" truth, and so in effect numbers are just reflections of
> parts of this unnameable and untouchable truth (which comes "before"
> numbers), which may be conciousness together with its infinitely infinitely
> ... ... infinite possible content.
> So numbers don't give rise to arithmetical truth, but truth gives rise to
> (expresses as) numbers. Though ulitmately this may be a matter of
> perspective ;)... It's just that the second perspective is more meaningful
> to me.
> Rex Allen wrote:
>> But, again, there seems to be no way to know for certain what *really*
>> exists, a la Kant. 
> Maybe "what really exists" is not a meaningful thing to ask in first place,
> because if something "really" exists, it certainly cannot be expressed with
> words. So why aks a question that can't be answered with words at all?
But we can ask for true descriptions about it.  Isn't it true that you 
are reading a computer screen?  Of course we can't be sure about this, 
but we don't have to give up betting on it.

> Probably we generally should take words less serious (especially with
> regards to fundamental questions) and expect no satisfying answers from
> them.
What do you propose - that we remain silent as mystics?  Or do think 
mathematical words are different and we should take "2" and "successor" 
more seriously than "chair" and "dog"?



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