2010/3/15 Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net>

> Hi Stathis and Friends,
>        I respectfully invite you to re-read my comment.
> >             That a "need" becomes a right by convention or treaty or
> > any means that enforce such is to effect the legitimation of coercion
> > of the rights of those that can provide those "needs". "From each
> > according to their ability to each according to his need" scream out
> > at us here and without a coherent response we are witnessing the
> > virtual imprisonment of any and all that might have the skills required
> to
> provide such.
> >
> >             What I see here is by accepting the premise of this and
> > similar arguments requires that a government has the "right" to demand
> > services from individuals with ability *for whatever reason* which
> > then is to accept that the State has the right to control the behavior
> > of any individual and that any right of self-determination is abrogated.
>  I stated an argument for the purpose of soliciting comments and
> counter-arguments not to make a "moral" claim. In fact, I thought that my
> argument was an attempt to counter the "moral" claim in the article by
> pointing out the logical (to me at least) implications of the claim:

You are talking about *life* and **death**. If you don't see the *moral*
thing in your selfish babling it's *bad*.

> "> Question: Is Universal Health Care a Human Right?
> >
> > Answer: According to the most widely accepted international human
> > rights treaties, yes."
>         My primary motivation for posting this was to extend the previous
> discussion of the efficiency of Market vs. Managed systems in economics and
> I assume, perhaps naively, that all of our members are interested in an
> objective exploration of logical arguments within the context of the
> Everything-List.
>        If the totality of Existence is "logical" or "Computational" or
> both, then it seems to me that there should be no counter-example for such
> within our sphere of experience and that if we find what appears to be such
> a contradiction we should consider that a) there is a misunderstanding
> somewhere that leads to the counter-example or b) that there is a flaw in
> our premise somewhere or c) some combination of a) and b).
>        It should not matter what the particular "need" is. The same
> reasoning can be applied to Housing, Transportation, Food, Entertainment,
> etc. So long as some notion of "need" can be presented and accepted by some
> portion of society that has the ability to implicitly or explicitly use
> coercion to motivate the fulfillment of this need. I am trying to get a
> discussion of the consequences of this entire line of reasoning without
> having to get into the subjective notion of "morals".
> Onward!
> Stephen P. King
> -----Original Message-----
> From: everything-list@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:everything-l...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Stathis Papaioannou
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 9:32 AM
> To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Health Care as a Human Right - Is Universal Health Care a
> Human
> Right?
> Snip
> The problem is that "right" has no objective basis. It's like "good"
> or "beauty": a concept made up by humans. You obviously think that public
> health care is morally wrong while others (probably most people in the
> world) think that the lack of public health care is morally wrong. You
> could
> have a rational discussion about, say, the efficiency of public versus
> private health care, but with the core moral issue you will reach an
> impasse, because your premises differ.
> --
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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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