on 18.09.2010 01:38 1Z said the following:

On 17 Sep, 18:52, Evgenii Rudnyi<use...@rudnyi.ru>  wrote:
on 17.09.2010 14:33 1Z said the following:

On 26 Aug, 17:37, David Nyman<david.ny...@gmail.com>    wrote:


The next citation by Robert B. Laughlin (Nobel laureate in
physics) could be of interest here:


"By the most important effect of phase organisation is to cause
objects to exist. This point is subtle and easily overlooked, since
we are accustomed to thinking about solidification in terms of
packing of Newtonian spheres. Atoms are not Newtonian spheres,
however, but ethereal quantum-mechanical entities lacking that most
central of all properties of an object an identifiable position.
This is why attempts to describe free atoms in Newtonian terms
always result in nonsense statements such as their being neither
here nor there but simultaneously everywhere. It is aggregation
into large objects that makes a Newtonian description of the atoms
meaningful, not the reverse. One might compare this phenomenon with
a yet-to-be-filmed Stephen Spilberg movie in which a huge number of
little ghosts lock arms and, in doing so, become corporeal."


Physics may well be less reductionist than the reductionism of the
philosophers. But the reductionism of the philosophers still does not
entail elimination

On the other hand, the philosophers should somehow relate their thoughts with the development in physics.

By the way, about the water. The difference between H, O and H2O is in chemical bonds in H2O. Also one may not necessarily obtain H2O from H and O. It depends on temperature and pressure, if temperature is high enough then there are no water molecules anymore. There is some kinetics as well. Say diamond is thermodynamically unstable at normal conditions, but this fact does not influence the diamond prices


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