On Nov 27, 7:40 pm, Rex Allen <rexallen31...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 2:08 PM, 1Z <peterdjo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Nov 27, 6:49 pm, Rex Allen <rexallen31...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Given that there are an infinite number of ways that your information
> >> could be represented, how likely is it that your experience really is
> >> caused by a biological brain?  Or even by a representation of a
> >> biological brain?
> > Occam's razor: BIV, matrix and other sceptical scenarios are
> > always more complex, and therefore less likely than
> > "things are the way they seem to be"
> Actually not.  We have our experience of the world, which is not
> direct (e.g. colors, illusions, delusions, dreams, etc.).

How do you know? You can't maintain
that indirect realism is true independent
of any metaphysical presumptions.

You can't maintain that it is true because
that is the way the brain works, since it
is a metaphysical presumption that there is such
a thing as a brain as distinct from experience.

You can't maintain that it is a direct subjective
fact that your experiences are only of mental
representations. There is nothing about
an experience that labels it as indirect. You
experience would be the same if it actually
was direct experience of objects.

>  And then we
> have the cause of our experience.
> This is true in all cases:  scientific realism, scientific
> materialism, BIV, matrix, other skeptical scenarios.

It is not the same in all cases.


is simpler than


> BIV, matrix, etc. don't introduce additional elements, they just
> arrange the "causal" elements differently.

Wrong. The vat is an additional element

> None are more or less complex than the others.


> *My* preferred option is simpler.  Only conscious experience exists,
> uncaused and fundamental.  There is nothing else.

That's non-explanatory. No-one thinks Occams' razor means you should
give up on explanation. "Explanations should be as simple as possible,
no simpler"

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