On 12/03/11 03:43, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 3/11/2011 7:24 PM, Stephen Paul King wrote:
Hi Andrew,
The answer to the simple question that you see that all of this detail leads to is that at its core, Existence is Change itself. Becoming is the fundamental ontological primitive., just as Bergson argued. This is the result that Hitoshi discovered and discussed in his Inconsistent Universe Paper in terms of the truth value of the total Universe being in an infinite oscillation between True and False. Bart Kosko also obtained a similar result in how research on Fuzzy sets. What Barbour really found is that there does not exist a universal */global /*standard of measure of this change.

I think Einstein found that long before Barbour. There's no time-like Killing vector field in an FRW universe, so there's no universal time.

If there is no standard then there is not a determination of definiteness for the Total Change of existence and thus there is no global measure of change. Since time can be defined in generic terms as a measure of change, Barbour is correct in claiming that time as a global quantity cannot exist. What Barbour missed, as have countless others, is that/*local measures of change can be defined*/. The fact that there is more than one measure of entropy is a huge clue of this.

Thermodynamic entropy has always been relative to whatever is taken to be the constraint (constant energy, constant pressure,...) In the Everett interpretation evolution is always unitary and the Boltzmann entropy is constant.
Yes but! Thermodynamic entropy is a predictable process in the 4D reality, as is unitary evolution. But change of the state, the appearance of collapse, is necessarily a process 'outside' of the unitary evolution. One has to be outside of the 4D reality in order for one's field of observation to sweep through the 4D reality, just as one has to be outside of the computer screen to run one's eye across the text displayed on it. But, as I see it, the logic is even more compelling in the case of the change from state to state.


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