On 1 November 2011 21:07, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 01:07:31PM -0700, Nick Prince wrote:
> > This is where I am coming from:
> >
> > I accept decoherence as the mechanism for suppressing interference
> > between universes and that this happens very quickly (no time for us
> > to notice).  So assuming the everett interpretation, there is no
> > collapse and there are two consciousnesses  in equations like (3)
> > representing "my consciousness" in two separate [infinite] bundles of
> > universes). However they are no longer in a superposition (i.e. there
> > is no interference between them going on, or as you say, off diagonal
> > terms in the density matrix are virtually gone).  So at each
> > differentiation me and my different consciousnesses diverge. We have
> > the same history (memories) but different futures.
> >
> Just a note on terminological confusion. Superposition, AFAIK, just means a
> linear combination of states. Therefore, two full decohered universes
> are still in superposition, just no longer coherent.
> Am I getting this wrong?
> No I think it's me, I should have said "are no longer in a coherent
> superposition" thanks please do pick me up on anything I get wrong, my QM
> is a bit shaky.

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