Hi Craig

Thanks very much for your comments Craig. I still need to digest them.
Meanwhile, a flood of new ideas came to me and I just want to set them down.
There are no doubt mistakes, esp. with regard to subjective/objective.  

The Peirce-Leibniz triads Ver.2

I Firstness      object                substance       perception (quale)   
aesthetics      beauty        1st person       feeling      subjective    

II Secondness sign                  monad            thought                  
logic               truth           2nd person     thinking     subj/obj      
III Thirdness   interprant     supreme monad   expression              morality 
       goodness       3rd person       doing       objective  

It appears that Peirce's three categories match the Leibniz monadic structures 

as follows: 

I. = object = Leibniz substance = quale 

II. Secondness = sign = monad representing that substance. 
    In Peirce, the sign is a word for the experience of that object . 
    In Leibniz, the monads are mental, which I think means subjective. 

III. Thirdness = interprant (meaning of I and II ) = by the monad of monads. 

In addition to this, Peirce says that his categories are "predicates of 
where the first predicate (dog) is extensive and the second predicate (brown) 
is intensive. 
then the overall object might be animal-->dog-->brown. 
Leibniz says that a monad is a complete concept, meaning all of the possible 

I suggest that the first or extensive predicate (dog) is objective  
and the second predicate (brown) is qualitative or subjective. 
So that the object as per ceived is a quale or Firstness. 

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

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