Hi Alberto G. Corona  

I think every generation tries to overthrow the old, 
but it's not an individual psychology-based effort, 
it's tribal, political, sociological, the tools with 
which we identify and understand ourselves.

All of us join tribes as we grow up to help identify ourselves. 
It's a short-cut an alternative to doing psychotherapy.

I'm in the Christian-Conservative tribe. But I used to
be agnostic-liberal because I worked with such
academic types. It was dangerous to be a chiristian
conservative. Now I'm retired and the "real me" 
is allowed to come out. 

Tribes cannot understand or don't want to understand 
other tribes, it's not only unsafe, it's impossible,
we speak different languages, so our arguments fall on 
deaf ears, the result usually being change of subject 
or no answer at all.  

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Alberto G. Corona  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-12-14, 08:14:01 
Subject: Re: Re: Moral evaluations of harm are instant and emotional,brainstudy 

I may be between both of you. 

I don't think that the hate in progressives is constitutive or inherent.  

I think that his hate of what is held a good beatiful and true is a consequence 
of his belief in a more perfect ggood, bbeatiful and ttrue, and our currently 
held concepts are an obstacle.  

I put double initial letters because for the progressives there is no Good, 
Beatiful and True, but a progress with no end. 

Conservatives, like me, believe that God Beatiful and True exist, and our 
lowecase conceptions reflect them. 

2012/12/13 Craig Weinberg  

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:43:59 AM UTC-5, rclough wrote: 
Hi Alberto G. Corona  
It's much simpler than that, I think. 
Progressives hate everything resembles anything  
held to be good, beautiful, or true. 

Then your thoughts are simple-minded indeed. 

Gandhi, MLK, Einstein were haters of goodness, beauty, and truth? Progressives 
aren't artists or musicians? 

You can believe in black and white demagoguery if you like..that's exactly what 
Progressives want to leave behind. 


[Roger Clough], [rcl...@verizon.net] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 
----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Alberto G. Corona  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-12-13, 10:13:03 
Subject: Re: Moral evaluations of harm are instant and emotional,brain study 

You said it: 
."...in part because it (evolution) carried a sense of "progress" not found in 
Darwin's idea" 

Evolution is descriptive, is the fact. natural selection is the theory that 
explain it. A scientific theory impose constraints with what may and may not 
happen. For example, child caring and risk taking at the same time may not 

That why progressives prefer the term evolution rather than atural selection. 
They want no constraints for his will of the transformation of themselves and 
their society according with its will. 

2012/12/13 Craig Weinberg  

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:48:45 AM UTC-5, Alberto G.Corona wrote:  
so awareness and intention are before biology, so you seem to admit a teleology 
before life, like me. 

Teleology and teleonomy both predate life. They are what time is made of. 

I don`t find this ncompatible ith natural selection (or evolution, as 
left-leaning people likes to call it) 

Hahaha, I wasn't aware that the very term evolution was now politicized. 
Actually it looks like Darwin preferred another term: 

Charles Darwin used the word only once, in the closing paragraph of "The Origin 
of Species" (1859), and preferred descent with modification, in part because 
evolution already had been used in the 18c. homunculus theory of embryological 
development (first proposed under this name by Bonnet, 1762), in part because 
it carried a sense of "progress" not found in Darwin's idea. But Victorian 
belief in progress prevailed (along with brevity), and Herbert Spencer and 
other biologists popularized evolution. 


So the reason that evolution was not Darwin's choice is precisely because he 
understood that it is not teleological. 

. You seem to admit natural selection up to a point but you reject it when we 
are talking to sensible human things like the sexual roles.  

Yes, natural selection only shapes things that already exist, it doesn't bring 
awareness or qualities of awareness into existence. 

You enjoy the fact that NS made female yenas to behave in ome politically 
correct ways (it seems). but you reject that NS selection make female humans 
behave s is in almost all the rest of the animal kingdom. That funny. 

I think it's funny that you think I'm citing some evidence supporting a left 
wing agenda. I'm only showing you that gender is not written in stone. It's 
something that most people are already aware of - although if you are over 60 
then you have an excuse. 



2012/12/13 Craig Weinberg  



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