You'll likely hate my comment, but Susskind and Raphael Bousso are or were 
pretty big on Boltzmann Brains. The more I look at the words of physicists 
speaking about this phenomena (pro and con) the more it seems to be an evolving 
theology. Bostrom might also be into this. Conway may not even be aware of BB, 
and I would guess that Tegmark would laugh it all off. Which maybe he should. I 
am amzed and sometimes inspired by the discussions regarding this. Questions 
arise and evolve such as-

In an infinite universe you'd produce more BB's them people
What about a smaller number of BB's? 
Would these observers be as described? Having their own personal memories, and 
personalities, however false?
Being of human level intelligence or better.?
I asked Dr. Clough if a BB could be one of his Monads??
There has been a question asked out there internet-land, whether we exist as 
thoughs or ideas in one BB?
Finally, is our BB, God?
One Russian Physicist working in Peking wrote a paper that he saw BB's as 
likely, but that each cosmos would have it's own BB. 

It's mind-numbing and perhaps not even worth discussing (?)  I apologize if 
this is too crazy, but it's what I have been interneting about the last couple 
of weeks. If Our BB did write a program that eventually created us, that might 
do it for me. Other's would say no. At any rate, it might be a nice thing to be 
friendly to our universe's BB, if only to enjoy commincating (if possible?) 
with such a brilliant mind. 

BB's were believed by Boltzmann to evolve from thermal differences in space. 
Sort of like Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy drive producing a air borne 
whale, falling to the surface of the planet, Magarthea. Or it might be one way 
to simply arrive, via thermal fluctuations. 

Well, string drink is called for. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Resch <>
To: Everything List <>; foar 
Sent: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 11:13 pm
Subject: Worth while video

On the subject of reality, featuring John Conway, Max Tegmark, Leonard 
Susskind, and Nick Bostrom:


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