On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:39:32AM -0700, freqflyer07281972 wrote:
> Dear Russell, 
> Back in 2012, you made the following claims regarding my general attack on 
> Bruno's 
> "mathematical reductionism":
> 1) Self-awareness is a requirement for consciousness 
> 2) We expect to find ourselves in an environment sufficiently rich and 
> complex to support self-aware structures (by Anthropic Principle), but 
> not more complex than necessary (Occams Razor). Sort of like 
> Einstein's principle "As simple as possible, and no simpler."   
> 3) The simplest environment generating a given level of complexity is 
> one that has arisen as a result of evolution from a much simpler 
> initial state. This is the evolution in the multiverse observation, 
> that evolution is the only creative (or information generating) 
> process. 
> 4) Evolutionary processes work with populations, so automatically, 
> you must have other self-aware entities in your world, and 
> consequently inter-subjectivity.
> My question to you, as basic as it might seem, is... have you changed your 
> mind about any of these presuppositions? 
> Yours forever in the multiverse,
> Dan

In answer to your question, no I haven't changed my mind about any of
those. 1) is not a presupposition though, but a conclusion.



Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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