On 23 Nov 2013, at 05:00, meekerdb wrote:

On 11/22/2013 5:38 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:51 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 11/21/2013 1:50 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 20 Nov 2013, at 22:20, Richard Ruquist wrote:

Chief Supreme Court Justice Marshall usurped the Constitution
when he maintained that the Supreme Court had the right to rule
laws made by Congress and signed by the President unconstitutional.
As a result the USA is essentially ruled by the Supreme Court

 There is no provision in the US Constitution for this right.
Congress instead has the right to regulate the Supreme Court,

The supreme court has judged the NDAA 2012 anti-constitutional. But
apparently this has changed nothing. I don't find information on this. Some
sites on this  have just disappeared.

It changed nothing because it didn't happen. First, the NDAA authorizes the defense budget and other things. The Supremes would not have found it "anti-constitutional". The controversial provision you may be thinking of was clause that affirmed the Presidents power to detain people without trial as set out in the 2001 resolution following the 9/11 attack. The ACLU has challenged this provision and a case was brought in 2012, Hedge v Obama. A
district court ruled that the indefinite detention provision was
unconstitutional and gave an injunction against its use. This went up through the layers of appeals courts. The Supreme Court threw out the injunction on the grounds that the plaintiffs lacked legal standing to bring the case - and so in effect upheld the law without actually ruling on
whether or not it is constitutional.

This is an aspect of U.S. law inherited from English law, that only persons who are actually harmed by a law can challenge it in court. More modern democracies, seeing the importance of the U.S. Supreme Court in being able to nullify unconstitutional laws, have explicitly provided for court review
of laws without there having to be a plaintiff and a case.

I would say you're making an implicit extraordinary claim here. This
claim being that the reason why certain fundamental rights (like the
right to a trial) are not being is bureaucratic impediment, as opposed
to these impediments being created for the purpose of preventing the
application of said rights in practice.

?? Left out some words?

I argue that this claim is extraordinary for the following reasons:

- The President signed the NDAA. He also swore to defend the
constitution and he's supposed to be a constitutional expert, so it is not likely that he is not aware that citizens have a fundamental right
to a trial.

The controversial clause of the NDAA only applies to citizens who have taken up arms or aided organizations that have taken up arms against the U.S. and only for the duration of the war against Al Quida and the Taliban.

You might give a quote. It looks like what it has been asked to Obama to make precise, and he refused to do so. It seems to me that it is explicit that all "suspect of threat" are concerned with no explicit reference to Al Qaeda, nor Taliban. Just suprressing a coma or a period in some sentence would have clarified, but even that was rejected by Obama's administration.

So you are confused on several counts. This is what the 6th amendment actually says:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense."

Note that it refers to a criminal trial.

Indeed. That's the problem. If you are suspected of threat, you better do a crime just to have some lawyer!

  An enemy soldier captured in wartime is not a criminal.

But a war on terror, typically, makes the wartime infinite, and transforms the whole country (the US) into a battlefield.

Second, it clearly refers to crimes committed in a state or district of the U.S. - not Afghanistan or Iraq. So it is not at all unconstitutional to deny a trial to those captives in Guantanomo. I agree that they should be tried, but the use of a military tribunal is certainly not unconstitutional.

If a military tribunal is used. But the NDAA (and the patriot act) dismisses any trial, military or not.

The detention ends with the end of the hostility/war, but I thought Obama would close Guantanamo (as he promised) and end the hostility after the death of Bin Laden. Now, the way he acts suggests that there is just no end possible to such type of hostility. The notion of threat and terror are too fuzzy for that. As the evidences add up that 9/11 might be a false flag, you can imagine how easy you can prolongate (or begin) such hostilities.

He was not forced to sign the NDAA by bureaucracy (he
might have been forced in other ways, but here we get into pure
speculation). It was fully within his powers not to sign it or to
demand changes;

Demanding things of Congress doesn't necessarily get them (particularly when the House is controlled by the Republicans).

Then he could have decided to not sign it. The NDAA was allocating the budget of defense, so that would have put some pressure to modify the bills. On the contrary, Obama justifies his signing by telling us that the budget needed to be accepted. Why? That's ridiculous. The very idea of putting such bills in a budget proposal is already suspect.

I was on the side of the americans on the war on terror, until the NDAA 2012, which I can't help to feel as placing the war on terror in the category of the war on drug, which I suspect (due to tuns of evidences) to have been unfounded right at the start, knowingly so. Anslinger, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush have explicitly and knowingly lie and dismiss most information on cannabis provided by their own team of researchers.

Apparently Obama won against the supreme court:


- Harm is a very subjective word. If the Supreme Court was interested
in upholding fundamental rights, it could easily interpret loss of
fundamental human rights as harm;
The point is that the people who were plaintiffs in the case weren't harmed.

- The bureaucratic impediments seem to work mostly in a direction of
loss of freedom. Empirically, it does not look plausible that they are
just neutral attrition -- they prevent Guantanamo from being closed,
they allow for total surveillance, they allow the Federal Government
to go after marijuana businesses that were authorised by their states,
they allow for "free speech zones", they allow for random road check
points and so on;

- The constitution is the highest law. If people were serious about
following it, they couldn't possible let some lower level law get in
the way. It's a truism that anything that prevents the application of
constitutional principles is unconstitutional, and a lot of people in
the USA swore to defend the constitution.

And they are. You are just assuming that it says what you think it should say, instead of what it actually says.


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