On 3 March 2014 14:58, <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> Well to the idea about clathrates, is that if we cannot develop solar or
> fusion, we'll have to use gas hydrate to survive and burn it, rather than
> release it. I do keep informed and we do need to know what is occurring.

Yes, mining offshore methane seems to be a possibility. This will of course
add to the greenhouse gases in the air (as solar and fusion wouldn't, or
not very much) which will perhaps continue the warming trend. The problem
is that if we warm the oceans very much - they're a lot harder to warm than
the atmosphere, of course - tt's possible that dissolved gases will come
out of suspension, so all the CO2 they've soaked up (and thereby kept
atmospheric levels down plus all the dissolved methane. The earth's
atmosphere was once mainly methane I believe so there's a lot available. A
so-called "methane burp" could mean the end of civilisation.

>   What does this say about our arguments?

I don't know.

> http://dels.nas.edu/resources/static-assets/exec-office-other/climate-change-full.pdf
> The political manipulations are fact, but like most people, we can do zero
> about it. We are as the eunuchs at the Roman orgy who can do nothing but
> point and gossip. I take your comment as you care not to gossip, which is
> understandable.
> As you say there is no point. However I will take any action I think may
help (within reason, and given my parlous finances that isn't very far).

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