On Sunday, June 8, 2014 4:41:51 AM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:
> Oops. I meant to say more but hit a wrong key and somehow sent that above 
> one-liner. And there's no way to edit your posts...oh well, to continue...
>> On 8 June 2014 10:08, <ghi...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> But...the truth is no one minded too much PGC's attacks on me. Not 
>>> responding to my responses. In the most recent response, I even invited him 
>>> to choose one of Bruno's objections that I hadn't responded to, and I would 
>>> demonstrate the reason I'd stopped responding was that Bruno presented 'no 
>>> case to answer'. Silence from PGC.
>> I'm afraid I missed this. I don't have time to read everything and 
> especially tend to skip those incredibly long posts with stuff interpolated 
> (is that the word?) into the text and nested 15 levels deep. And I am quite 
> interested in this argument, too! That is, I believe I can see both sides, 
> so I am interested in evidence for either. As I jokingly say, on days with 
> an R in them I feel Bruno has the answer to life, the universe and 
> everything, on the other days I feel the force of the materialist 
> objections (amongst others) and feel that they "refute it THUS!"
>>> PGC said a fair bit worse about me than simple liar. What is it...the 
>>> guy's flamboyant use of language gets him a free pass in here? When has he 
>>> ever described anything he believes in, in plain English?
> I'm sure I've seen some plain English posts from PGC, and some that seem 
> to me to make good points. But I can't quote chapter and verse on that. But 
> flowery language abounds here, methinks, so I try to parse it and either it 
> looks like a camel to me, my lord, or a cloud.
>>> Why am I the guy that has to put up writing dozens of efforts at 
>>> explaining what I mean, put down's from people like PGC who value their 
>>> dizzy comp experiences, my arguments ignored by Bruno....and all of this 
>>> despite it being me to be mentioning a take on falsification that the vast 
>>> majority of science, historically and now would agree with?
> You should see me on the Tronnies thread, or trying to explain why time 
> symmetry in physics may be important for understanding quantum theory. 
> YANA.....You are not alone. 
>>> And now this new issue, with PGC and Bruno making constructive arguments 
>>> about scientists accepting certain arguments, and so by some sort of logic 
>>> accepting Bruno's theory. Which happens to involve things like eternal life 
>>> for us, consciousness not being generated by our brains...direct links to 
>>> MWI. That latest argument, I simply rejected by pointing out that not 
>>> everyone does accept MWI, who accept QM.
> No, indeed not. Although sometimes the reasons aren't very convincing (Jim 
> Al Khalili just really likes Bohm's take, or so he told me). But anyway 
> consensus views get short  thrift on this forum

You touch on something plausibly near the root and heart of the 
'worldsense'  ever more predominant at the frontiers of knowledge. 

That *is* a consensus, and short shrift is what the dissenters get much 
more I should say. That's the consensus that matters sweet fruit. I 
perceive te consensus as profoundly rigid...as like a foreign country 
with its own language, translation services fully serviced 24 hours Arthur 
dents disused filing cabinet cellar stairs missing. Self 
contained/referencing, explanation good, nice body boat race can't 
understand a bloody word, one avoids translation so dull. 

It isn't necessarily a virtue dismissing long standing time tested 
scientific knowledge....dismissing method as 'philosophical overlay' is 
deeply flawed.  The component of consensus due short shrift is the hear 
today gone tomorrow notions what it's all about. But I was talking about 
something that has been there since the beginning. I don't think it'll be 
falsification gone tomorrow of what's laid across this stall. 

What else? Oh yes....I still fancy you nuts all the same...intellectually 
speaking of course.....fleeting memory....I was in Sydney in 1976 just a 
little kid, some babysitter showed up like I'd never met before, stuck 
'Barbarella' on the telly for me and disappeared upstairs with some 
chick. A deal I could buy for a dollar. Aussie's are just so fabulous. 

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