On 9 June 2014 09:16, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 08 Jun 2014, at 05:41, LizR wrote:

> Yes comp strikes me as highly controversial, which is why have been trying
>> to get to grips with it, to decide where I stand. But I have got stuck at
>> the MGA and (I think) some Kripkean logic.
> If you get step 3 I am already glad. Step 7 needs the understanding of the
> notion of universal number when written in some (Turing universal) base.
> I recall the number u is universal (in the base phi_i), if phi_u(<x,y>)=
> phi_x(y). Such u is sigma_1 complete, and becomes Löbian when he proves p
> -> []p for all p sigma_1.
> What you miss, and many miss, is the mathematical, actually arithmetical
> definition of "beweisbar", the "[]p" hypostase which is the one which
> explains the presence of all its "rivals", the "[]p & p", notably.
> The creative bomb is Gödel's theorem, and the discovery of the universal
> machine (hated and loved by different mathematicians, and which does bring
> some amount of mess in Platonia.

Well I believe I understand Godel's theorem - in its word-based form, at
least. Understanding it arithmetically (i.e. properly) is more of a

> I can't get even an infinity of computations to grok some of that stuff.
> Nobodies does.

Thank you for those kind words. (Also I feel "nobodies" is an interesting
word and should be a crossword solution, because it contains quite a few
other words ... no/bo/dies ... I will add it to my collection.)

> More precisely. No sigma_1 complete and pi_1 incomplete (machines)
> entities does.
> Pi_1 complete set (which are still arithmetical, but no more computable)
> can solve much more, but are still incomplete with respect to the
> arithmetical truth.
> But come on! All you need is a good diary, patience, and well, you might
> have good manuals with you like the Mendelson, Boolos, Smorynski, and you
> might need to see by your own eyes the equivalence between a bunch of
> universal numbers/languages/machines/systems.

I haven't given up! But things keep happening ... distractions ... work,
housework, children, husband ...

I ask myself if the confusion between p->q and q->p should not be punished
> by laws, as propaganda.

Probably, if stated a little more wordily. I encounter that often enough.

> Legalized drugs, make propaganda, and lies in advertising, punishable
> perhaps ...
> Yeah! (Swinging sixties here I come!)

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