> On 22 Jan 2015, at 3:58 pm, Rex Allen <rexallen31...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think my main problem with platonism is that I don't see why a mathematical 
> universe would generate beings who then develop true beliefs about the 
> mathematical nature of the universe.

Under Bruno's neoplatonic framework there is no universe at all. A mathematical 
universe or any kind of universe cannot generate beings. You don't generate 
beings because beings are all that is real (comp). This was, is, and forever 
will be the case. The universe? Just a set of appearances. The Samsara. The 
Maya. It may even "end" one "day" but the beings will presumably still 

The "universe" is what the infinity of numerical relationships look like to 
themselves. Nothing is generating anything. In fact nothing is happening at all 
because there is no time where all of this is "happening". All that exists is 
"possibility". What is possibility? A huge torrent of information in which YOU 
are presumably located as part of the information. That YOU part of the 
information cannot be located in the multiverse due to a factor called First 
Person Indeterminacy. You can only feel you are somewhere, but actually you are 
nowhere all at once, the computations supporting you smeared out over the MV.

The mind that interfaces with your brain presumably filters this down to 
something hugely smaller than the torrent of information corresponding to the 
evolution of the SWE. You only think there is a universe because that's the 
interpretation that evolution has given you algorithms for. But there is much, 
much more - corresponding to all the world (ie particle) histories and the 
whole MWI shebang, Everett etc.

> Which was also my problem with physicalism - in that why would a random 
> (i.e., not specially chosen) set of physical laws and initial conditions lead 
> to the development of beings who are then able to correctly (or even 
> approximately) discover those physical laws and initial conditions.

But the laws surely are not random. Laws cannot be random. Look, the universe 
is a setup job. Either we are simulated and the limitation to our minds is 
intentional or "we" are enjoying a ride of some sort where we are real and the 
ride is the simulation. I go for that interpretation - that's comp.


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