On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 7:33 AM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>

> >> So yes, Evolution invented the brain that invented condoms, and if
>> Evolution had any foresight it would have certainly taken steps to ensure
>> that the brain never even thought of the idea of a condom;
> > We don't know that. In fact, evolution creates all sorts of mechanisms
> to limit procreation in response to environmental conditions. Maybe condoms
> increase the survivability of our species, by allowing us to be more
> selective on the moment when we invest our resources to procreate.

So you think that somehow random mutation and natural selection came up
with some deep convoluted plan that humans can not understand and will take
many generations to implement, that is just ridiculous, evolution has no
foresight,  it can only see one step ahead and is only interested in what
gets the most genes into the next generation, it neither knows nor cares
about the generation after that.

The vagus nerve connects the brain to the larynx, in a giraffe the two
organs are less than a foot apart, but the vagus nerve is more than 15 feet
long, it runs all the way down the neck and then double backs and goes back
up the neck to the larynx.  If Evolution could think ahead that would never
happen, but it can't and it can't backtrack either and start over because
every change it makes must improve things *right now*

A jet engine works better than a prop engine in an airplane. I give you a
prop engine and tell you to turn it into a jet, but you must do it while
the engine is running, you must do it in one million small steps, and you
must do it so every single one of those small steps immediately improves
the operation of the engine. Eventually you would get an improved engine of
some sort, but it wouldn't look anything like a jet.  If the tire on your
car is getting worn you can take it off and put a new one on, but evolution
could never do something like that, because when you take the old tire off
you have temporarily made things worse, now you have no tire at all. With
evolution EVERY step (generation), no matter how many, MUST be an immediate
improvement over the previous one.

>> But that is not a reproductive strategy, with a condom sex no longer has
>> anything to do with reproduction.
> > Well, it still has something to do with reproduction...

Not that I can see. And in addition to condoms is lifetime celibacy also a
reproductive strategy, or homosexuality, or vasectomies, or infanticide or

> In human society, condoms allow us to make strategic decisions. For
> example, a young couple might decide to further their education before
> reproducing. Then they will have a shorter reproductive window, but their
> offspring will inherit more resources.

So 500,000 years ago Evolution knew that  someday a young couple might
decide to further their education. Does this reasoning also explain the
invention of the vasectomy?

> >> But I am not Evolution nor am I my genes so I don't care,  Evolution
>> and my genes have their opinion and I have mine.
> > That's impossible to know. Your brain is the product of evolution and it
> could be betraying you at a very deep level.

Of course you can know that! There is no way, absolutely no way Evolution
could know all the thoughts my brain would come up with. Evolution had its
reasons for inventing the brain, and I have my reasons on how to use it.

  John K Clark


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