On Wed, Mar 25, 2015  meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>> According to Quantum Mechanics depending on circumstances sometimes you
>> get interference and sometimes you don't, and we're talking about analogies
>> here and what it would take for the copying machine stuff to be a good
>> analogy for the MWI. If there is no interference then there is no problem,
>> but if there is interference then you can't make an analogy with the
>> copying machine stuff unless you allow the Moscow Man and Washington Man to
>> merge into one person just as the 2 universes merge into 1 universe after
>> the electrons went past the slits and hit the photographic film and
>> produced interference.
> > So Bruno's Helsinki/Moscow/Washington thought experiment is a good
> analog of a quantum experiment in which there are two possible outcomes and
> no interference.

It's a analogy of a very boring experiment in which there are two possible
outcomes where there is no way even in theory of ever knowing more about
those outcomes; for example sending photons through the 2 slits but
removing the film and letting the photons travel for eternity into infinite
space after passing the slits.  And interference is a part of our world of
vital importance that needs an explanation, so that means if the people are
not allowed to merge back together as well as be duplicated then Bruno's
thought experiment is NOT a good analogy for the Many Worlds Interpretation
or of Quantum Mechanics in general. It works fine for Newtonian Mechanics
but the fundamentals of that are so intuitive that we really don't need an
analogy involving copying machines to figure out what's going on with

And even if you allow the people to merge it should be noted that the
analogy is between the people in Bruno's experiment and the photons (or
electrons) in the 2 slit experiment and not with the people performing the
2 slit experiment, the photon (or electron) has a "memory" of it going
through slot A AND going through slot B but the people don't, all they see
is a interference pattern.

  John K Clark

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