The 'holographic principle,' the idea that a universe with gravity can be
described by a quantum field theory in fewer dimensions, has been used for
years as a mathematical tool in strange curved spaces. New results suggest
that the holographic principle also holds in flat spaces. Our own universe
could in fact be two dimensional and only appear three dimensional -- just
like a hologram.


The holographic universe hypothesis has been around for a while (since Juan
Maldacena proposed it in 1997); what is interesting in this news, is that it
has been shown to be possible for a universe with flat or positive spacetime
curvatures, as opposed to just the exotic negative spacetime curvature



"However, Grumiller has suspected for quite some time that a correspondence
principle could also hold true for our real universe. To test this
hypothesis, gravitational theories have to be constructed, which do not
require exotic anti-de-sitter spaces, but live in a flat space. For three
years, he and his team at TU Wien (Vienna) have been working on that, in
cooperation with the University of Edinburgh, Harvard, IISER Pune, the MIT
and the University of Kyoto. Now Grumiller and colleagues from India and
Japan have published an article in the journal Physical Review Letters,
confirming the validity of the correspondence principle in a flat universe."

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